Catalog of Past Seminars for: All Workshops

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Displaying 2001-2500 of 9278 results.
DateNameEnrolledAttendedMax #SiteLocationStartEndTypeDayStatus                 Actions                 
11/30/2022CTE - Integrated Academic Day151520CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
11/30/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards7710Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2022On Demand: Castle Learning33512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/30/2022Castle Learning - Grades 3-12 Science33303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
11/29/2022On Demand: Technology Training115Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7730Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2022On Demand: Technology Training (Various)445Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2022Interpreting and Developing an IEP161630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2022Student Engagement Strategies for Learning0030CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/28/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/28/2022On Demand: Technology Training (Various)335Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/28/2022On Demand: Classroom Management115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/28/2022National School Mental Health Best Practices: Implementation Guidance Part 25530CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
11/28/2022On Demand: Apex Learning115Olean City School DistrictOlean High School10:45 AM11:15 AMHeldView
11/28/2022On Demand: Lab Aids Science Kit Introduction3352:30 PM3:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/22/2022On Demand: Elements of Effective Co-Teaching121215Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
11/21/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum335Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
11/21/2022On Demand: Star Lab115Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/21/2022On Demand: Castle Learning131315Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:15 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/21/2022On Demand: Poverty191920Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:15 AM9:45 AMHeldView
11/21/2022On Demand: Intro to Restorative Practices121215Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/18/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/18/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Bee Bots)115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/17/2022Classroom Management 102: Grades 6-12101025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/17/2022Creating Student Playlists0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/17/2022Science Required Investigations gr 3-5 AM222210011:30 AM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (ELA)115Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
11/17/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training335Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy1151:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022Science Required Investigations gr 3-5 PM10101002:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)1153:00 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/16/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/16/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2022Classroom Management 102: Grades PK-50025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/16/2022Secondary Science CLC151530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2022Public and School Library Partnerships0013Randolph Public LibraryRandolph Public Library8:45 AM2:00 PMCancelledView
11/15/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2022Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)101015CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2022Curriculum Coordination for Administrators and Instructional Coaches9925CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 4HeldView
11/15/2022Science Required Investigations gr 6-8 AM9910011:30 AM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/15/2022Science Required Investigations gr 6-8 PM14141002:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/15/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1212503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 5HeldView
11/15/2022Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support66303:30 PM4:45 PMZoom2 of 3HeldView
11/14/2022On Demand: Castle Learning9910Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2022On Demand: Technology Training6610Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2022On Demand: Classroom Management115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/14/2022Leaders Connect: NYS Science Standards2525501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom3 of 9HeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: The Science of Reading555Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School7:45 AM10:45 AMHeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning225Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: Understanding by Design333335Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School8:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
11/10/2022Writing with Video: Reunion0025Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/10/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)445Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: Science Kit Training2252:00 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/09/2022Pre K- Kindergarten CLC161630CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
11/09/2022On Demand: Classroom Management (Building Student Relationships)115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School10:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/09/2022On Demand: APPR Planning6610Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/09/2022Castle Learning - K-12 ELA77303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022Exceptional Education Staff Meeting (Cattaraugus County Counselors)111115Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: Standards-Based Grading444450Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/08/2022World Languages CLC - Thematic Units111120CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
11/08/2022English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): MS & HS101020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
11/08/2022Math Collaborative Learning Community for Grades 6-12181820CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
11/08/2022New Teacher Academy CLC - Alleg Co191930Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 4HeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: Apex Learning66108:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: APPR Training (SLO's)1158:30 AM9:00 AMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: Science Kit Training225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/08/2022The Instructional Playbook Book Study66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
11/07/2022On Demand: APPR Training115CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room3:00 PM4:15 PMHeldView
11/07/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)2253:00 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/04/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning225Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/04/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum (Enduring Issues)115Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:45 AM10:15 AMHeldView
11/03/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning115Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/03/2022Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 29910CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/03/2022Exceptional Education Staff Meeting202030Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/02/2022On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory115CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/02/2022Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 19910CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2022On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory1130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesLibrary9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
11/02/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards131315Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution101030Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series11403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/01/2022On Demand: Restorative Practices (Overview)343440West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School7:45 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/01/2022On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory115Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/01/2022New Teacher Academy CLC - Catt Co181830CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 4HeldView
11/01/2022NYSED Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards Intro: Cybersecurity0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/01/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards6610Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards (Physics)115Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School9:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/28/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/28/2022On Demand: Technology Training (Coding)7710Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/28/2022Community and Schools Together002008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomCancelledView
10/28/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Exceptional Education8810Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/27/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/27/2022On Demand: Explicit Direct Instruction101015Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/27/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/27/2022Advancing STEM Kits - Grade 3:Weather Around the World & Hand-Me-Down Genes9930CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/27/2022NYSAA Training (New York State Alternative Assessment)7720CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum225Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training225Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/26/20227 Habits Training161620CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/26/2022Exceptional Ed: Using Circles Effectively Day 2161630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Classroom Management202030Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Science Required Investigations11512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
10/25/2022On Demand: Explicit Direct Instruction8810Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School7:45 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2022On Demand: Intro to Restorative Practices/Circle Training6610Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/25/2022Gamification for Engagement0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/25/2022Transitions: a Collaboration with SBU and Regional HS Teachers: ELA3350Saint Bonaventure UniversityPlassmann Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development141420Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2022Castle Learning - Are You Ready for Computer Based Testing?66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
10/24/2022On Demand: Castle Learning9910Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/24/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning225Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM1:30 PMHeldView
10/24/2022Transitions: a Collaboration with SBU and Regional HS Teachers: Biology Day 22250Saint Bonaventure UniversityDe La Roche8:30 AM5:00 PMHeldView
10/24/2022Wellspring Resilience Day 27720CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM11:30 AM2 of 2HeldView
10/24/2022Leaders Connect: Social Studies Framework1010501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom2 of 9HeldView
10/21/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/21/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards445Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/21/20227 Habits Training232330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/20/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/20/2022Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Training 20220030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/20/2022Wellspring Resilience Day 18820CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM11:30 AM1 of 2HeldView
10/20/2022Mental Health Symposium (Self-Care)8810CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 49:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
10/20/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School12:30 PM3:15 PMHeldView
10/19/2022On Demand: Classroom Management115Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
10/19/2022Blended Learning Instructional Tools0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/19/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards5510Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards9910Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/19/2022On Demand: Technology of Participation (ToP) Focused Conversations111115Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2022On Demand: Classroom Management9910Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning101010Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School2:45 PM4:15 PMHeldView
10/19/2022Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)55303:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/18/2022On Demand: Intro to Restorative Practices Day 2555Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/18/2022Regional: Poverty Simulation0070CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/18/2022On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1159:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
10/18/2022Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1717403:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/18/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1414503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 5HeldView
10/14/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (BreakoutEDU)115Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/13/2022NEW Lead Evaluator of Teachers: Observations, Day 2111120CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM11:30 AM2 of 2HeldView
10/13/2022Teacher Mentoring 1016625CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/13/2022The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-81111253:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/12/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning (ELA)6610Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2022Introduction to the NYS Science Learning Standards111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/12/2022NYSED Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards: Computational Thinking3330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/12/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development5530Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary10:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series66403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
10/11/2022Co-Teaching: Best Practices to Support Student Success141430CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (ELA)4410Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School11:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School3:15 PM4:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2022The Instructional Playbook Book Study44303:15 PM4:15 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
10/07/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards7710Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/07/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM11:45 AMHeldView
10/07/2022School Social Workers Regional Meeting9930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
10/06/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:15 AM10:00 AMHeldView
10/06/2022K-5 Math CLC7730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
10/06/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards-Phonics9910Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/06/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/05/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (ELA)115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
10/05/2022Interpreting and Developing an IEP101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2022Librarian CLC141420CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 5HeldView
10/05/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development (Middle School)3310Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM11:15 AMHeldView
10/05/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards-Phonics5510Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/05/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development (High School)5510Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School11:45 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution151520Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/05/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom6 of 6CancelledView
10/04/2022Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum & Technology Solutions (TCIF)242450CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
10/04/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom5 of 6CancelledView
10/03/2022DASA Certification: Cohort 44 (6 hours online)141430MoodleHeldView
10/03/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 1141420CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/30/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology7710Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/30/2022On Demand: Explicit Direct Instruction7710Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/30/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
09/30/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training225Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/30/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development115Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs/Math Seeds)445Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/29/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards (Science of Reading)6610Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/29/2022Advancing STEM Kits - Grade 4: Full of Potential & Parts of a Whole9930CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2022Classroom Management 101: Grades 6-12141425CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
09/29/2022Ellicottville CTE Staff Training7710CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Ellicottville CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School11:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/29/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (Math)1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School11:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs/Math Seeds)115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School12:00 PM1:30 PMHeldView
09/28/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology6610Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/28/2022Classroom Management 101: Grades PK-50023CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
09/28/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum7710Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/28/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 6CancelledView
09/27/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (face-to-face)323250CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/27/2022Interpreting and Developing an IEP5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/27/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 6CancelledView
09/27/2022Exceptional Education Staff Meeting4545603:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
09/26/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology6610Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/26/2022On Demand: Explicit Direct Instruction5530Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/26/2022On Demand: Technology Training1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/26/2022Community Schools Advisory Committee66509:00 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 2HeldView
09/26/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning ELL22510:45 AM11:15 AMZoomHeldView
09/26/2022Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support1010303:30 PM4:45 PMZoom1 of 3HeldView
09/23/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training225Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School7:45 AM3:30 PMHeldView
09/23/2022On Demand: Classroom Management335Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/23/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (Math)5530Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/23/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology: Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/22/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning (ELA)6630Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/22/2022New Teacher Academy CLC - Alleg Co202030CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
09/22/2022World Languages CLC - Authentic Texts into New Standards151520CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
09/22/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 Teams225Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School11:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
09/21/2022New Teacher Academy CLC - Catt Co181830CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
09/21/2022Supporting the Well-Being of Educators: A Systematic Organizational Approach111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/21/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)335Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/21/20227 Habits Training Zoom30203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 6PastView
09/20/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School7:45 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/20/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
09/20/2022Curriculum Coordination for Administrators and Instructional Coaches141420CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
09/20/2022NYSED Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards: Impacts of Computing111130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/20/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology115Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/20/20227 Habits Training Zoom30203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 6PastView
09/19/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School7:45 AM3:45 PMHeldView
09/19/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School11:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/19/2022Leaders Connect: SEL for Students99501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom1 of 9HeldView
09/16/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy4410Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School7:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School7:45 AM3:30 PMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning (Global Regents Framework)5510Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards (Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments)4430Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/15/2022NEW Lead Evaluator of Teachers: Observations Day 1131320CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Classroom Management115Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School12:00 PM1:00 PMHeldView
09/15/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy4410Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/14/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 Teams115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/14/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School1:00 PM3:45 PMHeldView
09/13/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development7710Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
09/13/2022On Demand: Lab Aids Science Kit Overview225Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/13/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning (Math)6610Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/09/2022On Demand: Professional Development Planning225Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/09/2022On Demand: Professional Development Planning ESL/ELL4410CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/08/2022On Demand: Online Course Content11510:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
09/08/2022On Demand: Professional Development Planning115Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/07/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
09/07/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series88403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
09/06/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/02/2022On Demand: Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework Overview (CR-SE)8989125Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
09/01/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training2258:00 AM8:30 AMZoomHeldView
09/01/2022On Demand: Classroom Management & Building Better Relationships434350Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/31/2022On Demand: Understanding by Design Day 2373740Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School8:15 AM1:15 PMHeldView
08/31/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training445Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School2:30 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/30/2022On Demand: Understanding by Design Day 1353535Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/30/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards272730Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
08/30/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning555Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/25/2022Active PE - Archery9912Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/25/2022Exceptional Ed: Using Circles Effectively Day 2191930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/25/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
08/25/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 Teams9910Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/24/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology SeeSaw445Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/24/2022On Demand: Drone Training225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/24/2022Advancing STEM Kits - Grade 5: Among the Stars181825CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/24/2022Exceptional Education: Introduction to Restorative Practices191920CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/24/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
08/24/2022Pre K- Kindergarten CLC141430CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/24/2022Social Studies Symposium7725CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
08/24/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM99308:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/24/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM12123012:30 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/23/2022On Demand: Drone Training225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/23/2022Active PE - Curriculum Planning8830CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTELodge8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2022On Demand: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People191920Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2022Social Studies Symposium4425CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
08/23/2022Transitions: a Collaboration with SBU and Regional HS Teachers: Orientation Day 15550Saint Bonaventure UniversityDe La Roche10:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/22/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School7:45 AM8:15 AMHeldView
08/22/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Exceptional Ed115Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/22/2022Active PE - Curriculum Planning4430CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTELodge8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/22/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 41212388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom4 of 4HeldView
08/22/2022Social Studies Symposium6625CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/22/2022Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)33301:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/22/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School1:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/18/2022Capturing Kids Hearts Day 3434350CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM12:00 PM3 of 3HeldView
08/18/2022Wiley Blevins Presents A Fresh Look at Phonics Day 262623008:00 AM12:30 PMZoom2 of 2HeldView
08/18/2022Update and Refresher for Principals - Recent Decisions & Rules AM191950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/18/2022Update for Principals - Title IX Refresher & Training PM9950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 312:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2022Capturing Kids Hearts Day 2444450CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 3HeldView
08/17/2022On Demand: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People151515Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
08/17/2022Reviewing the Results: State Assessment Data Review0030Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School9:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
08/16/2022Capturing Kids Hearts Day 1454550CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/16/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards K-6131330Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/16/2022Wiley Blevins Presents A Fresh Look at Phonics Day 161613008:00 AM12:00 PMZoom1 of 2HeldView
08/16/20224 Essential Studies: Beliefs and Practices to Reclaim Student Agency Book Study33208:30 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022Introduction to Restorative Practices & Using Circles Effectively (IIRP) Day 2151525Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/16/2022Student Engagement Strategies for Learning1515508:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022World Languages--Unpacking the Standards for practical lessons44308:30 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022On Demand: Apex Learning1159:00 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/15/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 31313388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom3 of 4HeldView
08/15/2022Co-Teaching: Best Practices to Support Student Success131330CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2022Curiosity and Questioning in the Classroom9925CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2022Introduction to Restorative Practices & Using Circles Effectively (IIRP) Day 1171725Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/15/2022On Demand: Apex Learning115Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/12/20224 Essential Studies: Beliefs and Practices to Reclaim Student Agency Book Study33208:30 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/12/2022Moodle 2.000309:00 AM11:00 AMZoomCancelledView
08/11/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning (Math)4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/11/2022Summer Tech Camp 2022 - Day 23434758:30 AM3:00 PMZoom2 of 2HeldView
08/11/2022Teacher Mentoring 1017725CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/11/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training Flocabulary2251:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/10/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/10/2022Summer Tech Camp 2022 - Day 13838758:30 AM3:00 PMZoom1 of 2HeldView
08/10/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 433331008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom4 of 4HeldView
08/09/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/09/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards 1262630Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2022Introduction to Restorative Practices & Using Circles Effectively (IIRP) Day 2191925CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/09/2022Math Collaborative Learning Community for Grades 6-12141420CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/09/2022PK-12 Next Generation ELA Standards: Full Implementation. Are You Ready?8830CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology1159:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/09/2022Moodle 1.000303:00 PM4:00 PMZoomCancelledView
08/08/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/08/2022On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards and Insignia262630CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTELodge8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 21717388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom2 of 4HeldView
08/08/2022Explicit Instruction in Vocabulary with Anita Archer47471008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/08/2022Introduction to Restorative Practices & Using Circles Effectively (IIRP) Day 1202025CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/08/2022Math Collaborative Learning Community for Grades 6-12121220CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/08/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2022On Demand: Star Lab4410Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/05/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Math151530Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/05/2022Dream It Do It Discovering STEM Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing171723Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM5 of 5HeldView
08/05/2022On Demand: Mosaic of Thought (Day 3)181830Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/04/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development141430Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/04/2022Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework Overview(CR-SE)101020CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2022Dream It Do It Discovering STEM Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing171723Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 5HeldView
08/04/2022Instructional Coaches Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Part 1101018CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2022On Demand: Mosaic of Thought (Day 2)222230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/03/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development4458:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/03/2022Dream It Do It Discovering STEM Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing151523Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 5HeldView
08/03/2022Effective Classroom Management Practices: Grades 6-12141425CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2022High School to College and/or Community1130Saint Bonaventure UniversityFriedsan Library8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2022NYS Arts Teacher Forum4415CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2022On Demand: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People7710Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 336361008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 4HeldView
08/03/2022On Demand: Mosaic of Thought (Day 1)161630Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development44308:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (ELA)181820Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2022Dream It Do It Discovering STEM Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing141423Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 5HeldView
08/02/2022National School Mental Health Best Practices: Implementation Guidance8830CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/02/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM2323308:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Writing Across Content Areas1313408:30 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM10103012:30 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1212301:00 PM3:00 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
08/01/2022DASA Certification: Cohort 43 (6 hours online)161630MoodleHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development3358:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 12727388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
08/01/2022Dream It Do It Discovering STEM Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing171723Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 5HeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Star Lab6610Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training22510:30 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology11512:00 PM1:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution Day 322512:30 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training4451:15 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/28/2022Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Refresher8810CA BOCES EXED Rise AcademyCA BOCES EXEC Rise Academy8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum Parallel Assessments1159:00 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
07/27/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 25510Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/27/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/27/2022Writing with Video: Reunion7725Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/26/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 15510Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development5558:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/26/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Exceptional Ed115Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2022The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-82222308:30 AM10:00 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
07/26/2022EdLaw 2d Symposium - Summer 202200309:00 AM11:30 AMZoomCancelledView
07/26/2022Superintendent's Leadership Board Retreat0080Holiday ValleyMain Lodge9:00 AM3:00 PMExclusiveView
07/25/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development Next Gen5558:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022Advancing STEM Kits - Grade 4:Centuries of Change131323CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/25/2022Cultural Competence Now for School Leaders00308:30 AM2:30 PMZoomCancelledView
07/25/2022Community Schools: A Strategy for School Improvement881009:00 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022Intercultural Development Inventory Group Debrief171720Woodside TavernWoodside Tavern10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology115CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesLibrary12:00 PM1:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution Day 2991012:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/22/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum5557:15 AM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
07/22/2022On Demand: Practicing Wellness66108:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/22/2022Microsoft Make:Code Training66309:00 AM12:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/22/2022On Demand: The Biology of Stress and The Science of Hope881011:30 AM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum Planning4457:15 AM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Intro to Restorative Practices7710Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology AM9915Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM11:45 PMHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Technology Training AM (Various)6610Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM11:45 AMHeldView
07/21/2022Classroom Management 101: Grades PK-54423CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/21/2022Lab-Aids MS Science Kit: Earth's Resources5515CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology PM6610Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:45 PM2:30 PMHeldView
07/21/2022On Demand: Technology Training PM (Various)9910Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:45 PM2:30 PMHeldView
07/20/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum-Parallel2257:15 AM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
07/20/2022On Demand: Social Emotional Learning88108:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/20/20227 Habits Training7720CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/20/2022Building Better Benchmark Assessments5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
07/20/2022Lab-Aids MS Science Kit: Energy5515CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/20/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat (Planning)115Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/20/2022What's In Your Office: Beginner's Guide to Microsoft 36577309:00 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/20/2022On Demand: Erin's Law55511:30 AM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/19/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum - Vertical Alignment4457:15 AM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
07/19/2022Building Better Benchmark Assessments4430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/19/2022Lab-Aids MS Science Kit: Evolution6615CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/19/2022On Demand: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People101010Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/19/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
07/19/2022Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)4040508:30 AM11:00 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
07/18/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum66107:15 AM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
07/18/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/18/2022On Demand: Erin's Law3232358:00 AM10:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/18/2022Building Better Benchmark Assessments5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/18/2022Civic Connection to S.T.E.M.0020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/18/2022Digital Citizenship with Microsoft99459:00 AM12:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/18/2022On Demand: Practicing Wellness23233011:30 AM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/15/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Day 4225Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/15/2022Mental Health First Aid121220CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/15/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training and Media overview1158:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/14/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Day 3335Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/14/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
07/14/2022Climate Change: The What, Why, and How to Improve Day 48820Saint Bonaventure UniversityWalsh Science Center9:00 AM3:00 PM4 of 4HeldView
07/14/2022On Demand: Apex Learning1159:30 AM10:15 AMZoomHeldView
07/14/2022On Demand: Poverty-Poor Students Rich Thinking101010Olean City School DistrictProfessional Learning Center12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/13/2022On Demand: Teacher Clarity Day 21515157:30 AM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/13/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Day 2445Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/13/20224 Essential Studies: Beliefs and Practices to Reclaim Student Agency Book Study5520CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/13/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
07/13/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 236361008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom2 of 4HeldView
07/13/2022Climate Change: The What, Why, and How to Improve Day 38820Saint Bonaventure UniversityWalsh Science Center9:00 AM3:00 PM3 of 4HeldView
07/12/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (Math)115Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/12/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development Day 1335Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/12/2022Phonemic Awareness and Phonics for Early Learners292932CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/12/2022Climate Change: The What, Why, and How to Improve Day 28820Saint Bonaventure UniversityWalsh Science Center9:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 4HeldView
07/11/2022On Demand: Teacher Clarity Day 11313157:30 AM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/11/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development6610Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/11/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat Day 3161620Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:30 AM1:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
07/11/2022Climate Change: The What, Why, and How to Improve Day 18820Saint Bonaventure UniversityWalsh Science Center9:00 AM3:00 PM1 of 4HeldView
07/11/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution Day 113131512:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/07/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat Day 2191920CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/07/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training115CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesLibrary8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
07/07/2022Standards-Based Grading in the Middle/High School5515CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/07/2022Erin's Law: Next Steps662009:00 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
07/06/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 (Word)1414157:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/06/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development (ELA)115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
07/06/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat Day 1212130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/06/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 137371008:30 AM10:30 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
07/06/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 Teams1111159:45 AM11:45 AMZoomHeldView
07/06/2022On Demand: Microsoft Office 36555512:30 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/05/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat (Day 2 Planning)2259:00 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #1 Accelerating Learning with Discovery Education0030MoodleHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #2 What's New with Discovery Education?0030MoodleHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #3 Discover Resources in DE00100MoodleHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #4 Engage Students with Discovery Education00100MoodleHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #5 Design Digital Lessons with Studio00100MoodleHeldView
2022-2023Discovery Education #6 Explore the Student Experience00100MoodleHeldView
07/01/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 47710CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/01/2022On Demand: Instructional Leadership Retreat (Day 1 Planning)2259:00 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
06/30/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 36610CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/29/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 26610CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/29/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - First In Math AM441009:00 AM10:15 AMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions -Intro to Guided Math AM12121009:00 AM11:45 AMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions-Next Gen Standards Intro AM001009:00 AM10:15 AMZoomCancelledView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Digital Resources & Math AM5510010:30 AM11:45 AMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Number Talks AM0010010:30 AM11:45 AMZoomCancelledView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - First In Math PM8810012:30 PM1:45 PMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Intro to Guided Math PM0010012:30 PM3:00 PMZoomCancelledView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Next Gen Standards Intro PM0010012:30 PM1:45 PMZoomCancelledView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Digital Resources & Math PM10101001:45 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/29/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Number Talks PM001001:45 PM3:00 PMZoomCancelledView
06/28/2022Active PE - Archery0012Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMCancelledView
06/28/2022Elementary Math Ex Ed: Developing Reasoning Part 16610CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/28/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/28/2022Summer Math Institute Micro Sessions - Visible Learning for Mathematics27271008:30 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/27/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development33108:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/23/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy555Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/23/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Algebra 29930Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/23/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy335Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:15 PM1:45 PMHeldView
06/23/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Physics6630Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
06/22/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training115Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:15 AM10:15 AMHeldView
06/22/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Geometry8830Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Global History Day 20030Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
06/22/2022On Demand: Classroom Management225Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
06/21/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards225Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Earth Science151530Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/21/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents- Global History Day 1212130Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM1:15 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/17/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Algebra 1141430Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
06/17/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Chemistry9930Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
06/17/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - ELA Day 20030Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
06/16/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - ELA Day 1262630Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM3:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/16/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - Living Environment131330Saint Bonaventure UniversityHickey Dining Hall8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/15/2022On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards115Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/14/2022Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Refresher111115Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/14/2022Regional Scoring: 2022 Science Grade 4232350Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:45 PMHeldView
06/13/2022Regional Scoring: 2022 Science Grade 8212150Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/09/2022On Demand: Technology Training (various)445Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/09/2022On Demand: Office 365115Olean City School DistrictOlean High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
06/08/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development115Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/08/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Robotics225Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/07/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology5510Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/07/2022Pre K- Kindergarten CLC0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
06/07/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy115Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
06/06/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2021-2022 (face-to-face)262650CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 4HeldView
06/03/2022Regional Scoring: June 2022 Regents - US History Day 20030Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
06/02/2022Active PE222240Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView