View Seminar: On Demand: Classroom Management (Building Student Relationships)

Seminar NameOn Demand: Classroom Management (Building Student Relationships)
Seminar BrochureNot set
External Seminar BrochureNot set
Seminar Short DescNot set
Seminar Full DescIn this Effective Classroom Management Practices workshop, teachers and administrators will look back at the strategies that have worked for them in their classrooms, and learn how to revise the practices that have not been successful. Participants will learn additional effective strategies they can employ in their classroom, have time to collaborate with others, and develop a new classroom management plan.
Seminar Date11/09/2022
Opening Time10:15 am
Closing Time3:15 pm
Last Day To Register11/08/2022      [ Note: After this date, participation changes can be requested by e-mailing Laurie Sledge ]
Twin SeminarNot set
Seminar AudienceGrades K-12 Teachers (any subject), Administrators
Seminar PrerequisitesNot set
Seminar Topics, Concepts & Resources-Classroom Management Practices
Seminar Broadcast NotesNot set
Seminar Objectives-Participants will explore the ways in which to integrate strategies and techniques into their instructional time to implement effective classroom management.
-Participants will receive assistance in creating strategies for managing student behaviors.
Work Summary-Participants explored various strategies to instill effective classroom management.
-Participants reflected on their current challenges and developed action plans to address specific student behaviors and needs.
-Participants were involved in dialogue and discussion surrounding the various resources and strategies and created an action plan for implementation.
Assessment of Learning-Participants wrote and shared class layouts and designs.
-Participants developed a list of strategies to implement in their classroom.
-Participants asked and answered questions and participated in conversations surrounding various scenarios teachers face.
Evaluation Summary Notes-No evaluation was necessary as the number of participants did not meet the requirements for this event.
Needed ChangesNA
Next StepsNA
Online Course TypeNot set
SiteWellsville Central School District
LocationWellsville Middle-High School
Site StatusOn Demand
Duration5 Hours
Rolling Online CourseNo
Moodle Online CourseNot set
Seminar StatusHeld
WorkshopOn Demand: Classroom Management
Starting Registration9:45 am
Credit Hours4.50
CTLE EligibleYes
Social Worker Continuing EdNo
Course TypeNot set
Online Course InstructionsNot set
Online Course UrlNot set
Online Course Pass CodeNot set
Provider529 - Professional Development
Category529 - Professional Development
Alt Fee Per ParticipantNot set
Public NotesNot set
Cancelled DateNot set
Added ByKimberly Hoch
Seminar Id7939

CTLE Activities

  • Pedagogy


Districts That Can Send Participants

  • Wellsville Central School

Districts That Are Paying For Facilitators

  • 7939-24

Learning Standards

  • 1 Knowledge Students and Student Learning
  • 3 Instructional Practice
  • 4 Learning Environment
  • 7 Professional Growth