Catalog of Past Seminars for: All Workshops

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Displaying 6001-6500 of 8728 results.
DateNameEnrolledAttendedMax #SiteLocationStartEndTypeDayStatus                 Actions                 
07/25/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022On Demand: Math Professional Development Next Gen5558:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022Cultural Competence Now for School Leaders00308:30 AM2:30 PMZoomCancelledView
07/25/2022Community Schools: A Strategy for School Improvement881009:00 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
07/25/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution Day 2991012:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/26/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development5558:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/26/2022The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-82222308:30 AM10:00 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
07/26/2022EdLaw 2d Symposium - Summer 202200309:00 AM11:30 AMZoomCancelledView
07/27/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/28/2022On Demand: Social Studies Curriculum Parallel Assessments1159:00 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development3358:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 12727388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training22510:30 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology11512:00 PM1:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Writing Revolution Day 322512:30 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/01/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training4451:15 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development44308:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM2323308:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Writing Across Content Areas1313408:30 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM10103012:30 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2022Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1212301:00 PM3:00 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
08/03/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development4458:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/03/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 336361008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 4HeldView
08/08/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development2258:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/08/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 21717388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom2 of 4HeldView
08/08/2022Explicit Instruction in Vocabulary with Anita Archer47471008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/09/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/09/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology1159:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/09/2022Moodle 1.000303:00 PM4:00 PMZoomCancelledView
08/10/2022On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/10/2022Summer Tech Camp 2022 - Day 13838758:30 AM3:00 PMZoom1 of 2HeldView
08/10/2022Wellness Wednesday Series Day 433331008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom4 of 4HeldView
08/11/2022Summer Tech Camp 2022 - Day 23434758:30 AM3:00 PMZoom2 of 2HeldView
08/11/2022On Demand: Library Systems Training Flocabulary2251:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/12/20224 Essential Studies: Beliefs and Practices to Reclaim Student Agency Book Study33208:30 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/12/2022Moodle 2.000309:00 AM11:00 AMZoomCancelledView
08/15/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 31313388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom3 of 4HeldView
08/16/2022Wiley Blevins Presents A Fresh Look at Phonics Day 161613008:00 AM12:00 PMZoom1 of 2HeldView
08/16/20224 Essential Studies: Beliefs and Practices to Reclaim Student Agency Book Study33208:30 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022Student Engagement Strategies for Learning1515508:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022World Languages--Unpacking the Standards for practical lessons44308:30 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/16/2022On Demand: Apex Learning1159:00 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/18/2022Wiley Blevins Presents A Fresh Look at Phonics Day 262623008:00 AM12:30 PMZoom2 of 2HeldView
08/22/2022Belonging through a Culture of Dignity: Session 41212388:30 AM11:30 AMZoom4 of 4HeldView
08/22/2022Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)33301:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/24/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM99308:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/24/2022Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM12123012:30 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
09/01/2022On Demand: Distance Learning Training2258:00 AM8:30 AMZoomHeldView
09/07/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series88403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
09/08/2022On Demand: Online Course Content11510:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
09/19/2022Leaders Connect: SEL for Students99501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom1 of 9HeldView
09/20/20227 Habits Training Zoom30203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 6PastView
09/21/20227 Habits Training Zoom30203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 6PastView
09/26/2022Community Schools Advisory Committee66509:00 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 2HeldView
09/26/2022On Demand: Data Trend Planning ELL22510:45 AM11:15 AMZoomHeldView
09/26/2022Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support1010303:30 PM4:45 PMZoom1 of 3HeldView
09/27/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 6CancelledView
09/27/2022Exceptional Education Staff Meeting4545603:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
09/28/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 6CancelledView
10/04/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom5 of 6CancelledView
10/05/20227 Habits Training Zoom00203:00 PM4:00 PMZoom6 of 6CancelledView
10/11/2022The Instructional Playbook Book Study44303:15 PM4:15 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
10/12/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series66403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
10/13/2022The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-81111253:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/18/2022On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1159:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
10/18/2022Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1717403:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/18/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1414503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 5HeldView
10/19/2022Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)55303:00 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/24/2022Leaders Connect: Social Studies Framework1010501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom2 of 9HeldView
10/25/2022Castle Learning - Are You Ready for Computer Based Testing?66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
10/26/2022On Demand: Science Required Investigations11512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
10/28/2022Community and Schools Together002008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomCancelledView
11/02/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series11403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/07/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)2253:00 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: Apex Learning66108:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022On Demand: APPR Training (SLO's)1158:30 AM9:00 AMZoomHeldView
11/08/2022The Instructional Playbook Book Study66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
11/09/2022Castle Learning - K-12 ELA77303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
11/10/2022On Demand: Science Kit Training2252:00 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/14/2022Leaders Connect: NYS Science Standards2525501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom3 of 9HeldView
11/15/2022Science Required Investigations gr 6-8 AM9910011:30 AM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/15/2022Science Required Investigations gr 6-8 PM14141002:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/15/2022CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1212503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 5HeldView
11/15/2022Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support66303:30 PM4:45 PMZoom2 of 3HeldView
11/17/2022Science Required Investigations gr 3-5 AM222210011:30 AM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Seal of Civic Literacy1151:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022Science Required Investigations gr 3-5 PM10101002:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/17/2022On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs)1153:00 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/28/2022On Demand: Lab Aids Science Kit Introduction3352:30 PM3:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/30/2022On Demand: Castle Learning33512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/30/2022Castle Learning - Grades 3-12 Science33303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
12/02/2022On Demand: Science Required Investigations22512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
12/05/2022Diversity in Your Library Collection22109:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
12/05/2022Leaders Connect: Best Practices of Instruction1717501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom4 of 9HeldView
12/07/2022Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)55303:00 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
12/07/2022Teacher Instructional Practice Series44403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
12/13/2022The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-866253:00 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
12/13/2022The Instructional Playbook Book Study55303:15 PM4:15 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
12/15/2022On Demand: Technology Training (computers)2020203:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
12/22/2022On Demand: Science Required Investigations11512:30 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
01/03/2023Leaders Connect: SEL for Staff1515501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom5 of 9HeldView
01/05/2023On Demand: Apex Learning11512:15 PM12:45 PMZoomHeldView
01/06/2023On Demand: Apex Learning1158:00 AM8:30 PMZoomHeldView
01/06/2023On Demand: Science Required Investigations1151:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
01/11/2023Using Scratch to Teach Math00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoomCancelledView
01/11/2023Teacher Instructional Practice Series55403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
01/17/2023On Demand: Apex Learning11510:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
01/17/2023Castle Learning - What's New?00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomCancelledView
01/19/2023Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1212503:00 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
01/19/2023On Demand: Technology Training (GimKits)1717203:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
01/24/2023CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)2222503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 5HeldView
01/27/2023On Demand: Stress Management and Wellness for Educators66102:00 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
01/30/2023Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others44304:00 PM5:30 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
01/31/2023On Demand: Apex Learning11511:00 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
02/02/2023Classroom Management Refresher: Grades PK-1200308:30 AM11:30 AMZoomCancelledView
02/06/2023Leaders Connect: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion88501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom6 of 9HeldView
02/06/2023Educator Wellness Community Groups (Virtual)00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 5CancelledView
02/07/2023The Writing Revolution CLC Grades 2-866253:00 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
02/08/2023Teacher Instructional Practice Series22403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
02/13/2023Using Scratch to Teach Math66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/14/2023CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1413503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 5HeldView
02/16/2023On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology STEM Camp planning2258:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
02/16/2023On Demand: Castle Learning Math Focus55103:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/16/2023On Demand: Castle Learning1010153:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/17/2023On Demand: Curriculum Development11111:00 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
02/27/2023Castle Learning - K-12 Math22303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/27/2023Writing with Video: Film Fest11103:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/28/2023Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others11304:00 PM5:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
03/03/2023On Demand: Microsoft Office 365 (Forms)1151:20 PM1:50 PMZoomHeldView
03/06/2023Leaders Connect: Technology Integration1313501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom7 of 9HeldView
03/06/2023Educator Wellness Community Groups (Virtual)00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 5CancelledView
03/06/2023Engaging Heart and Mind Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)22303:00 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
03/08/2023Castle Learning - 3-12 Social Studies11303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
03/08/2023Teacher Instructional Practice Series33403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
03/09/2023Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)99503:00 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
03/14/2023Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support33303:30 PM4:45 PMZoom3 of 3HeldView
03/17/2023On Demand: Castle Learning2258:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
03/20/2023Community and Schools Together48482008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
03/29/2023Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others22304:00 PM5:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
03/30/2023On Demand: Curriculum Development Summer School33510:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
04/10/2023Leaders Connect: Best Practices of Leadership66501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom8 of 9HeldView
04/12/2023Teacher Instructional Practice Series33403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
04/17/2023Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others22304:00 PM5:30 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
04/18/2023CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)99503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom5 of 5HeldView
04/20/2023On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards1158:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
04/24/2023Educator Wellness Community Groups (Virtual)00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 5CancelledView
04/25/2023On Demand: Apex Learning1151:00 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
05/08/2023Leaders Connect: Leader Chat (open topic)77501:00 PM2:30 PMZoom9 of 9HeldView
05/15/2023Educator Wellness Community Groups (Virtual)00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 5CancelledView
05/24/2023Teacher Instructional Practice Series55403:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
06/01/2023On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory1153:00 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/05/2023Educator Wellness Community Groups (Virtual)00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom5 of 5CancelledView
06/06/2023On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory1152:45 PM3:45 PMZoomHeldView
06/13/2023On Demand: Apex Learning1158:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
06/13/2023On Demand: Intercultural Development Inventory1153:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
06/14/2023On Demand: Castle Learning1151:30 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
06/21/2023On Demand: Technology Training (various)1111159:00 AM11:30 AMZoomHeldView
06/27/2023K-5 Summer Math Institute Day 13838508:30 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
06/28/2023On Demand: Science Required Investigations4458:00 AM1:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/03/2023On Demand: Apex Learning111512:45 PM1:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/05/2023On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards22511:00 AM12:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/07/2023The Instructional Playbook CLC99309:00 AM10:00 AMZoom1 of 3HeldView
07/18/2023Moodle 10100308:30 AM10:00 AMZoomCancelledView
07/18/2023On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (Reading Eggs-Math Seeds)1158:30 AM9:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/18/2023On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology11510:15 AM11:15 AMZoomHeldView
07/18/2023Moodle 102003010:30 AM12:00 PMZoomCancelledView
07/18/2023On Demand: Digital Resources/Technology (SeeSaw)11512:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
07/19/2023Wellness Wednesday10101008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 4HeldView
07/19/2023Data Warehouse Overview11309:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
07/26/2023Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM2828358:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
07/26/2023Wellness Wednesday14141008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom2 of 4HeldView
07/26/2023Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM553012:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
07/31/2023On Demand: Preparing for Computer Based Testing66102:45 PM3:45 PMZoomHeldView
08/02/2023Loose Parts Play with Miriam Beloglovsky Day 125251508:30 AM11:30 AMZoom1 of 2HeldView
08/02/2023On Demand: Curriculum Development4458:30 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/03/2023Loose Parts Play with Miriam Beloglovsky Day 224241508:30 AM11:30 AMZoom2 of 2HeldView
08/03/2023On Demand: Curriculum Development1158:30 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/03/2023Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)22309:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/08/2023Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM1313308:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/08/2023Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM443012:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/09/2023Wellness Wednesday001008:30 AM10:30 AMZoomCancelledView
08/09/2023The Instructional Playbook CLC77309:00 AM10:00 AMZoom2 of 3HeldView
08/15/2023On Demand: Science Required Investigations77108:00 AM1:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/16/2023Wellness Wednesday001008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 4CancelledView
08/23/2023On Demand: Digital Resources Reading Eggs/Math Seeds4458:30 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/23/2023Wellness Wednesday17171008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom4 of 4HeldView
08/23/2023On Demand: Digital Resources Insignia44510:15 AM11:15 AMZoomHeldView
08/23/2023On Demand: Digital Resources Seesaw44512:00 PM2:00 PMZoomHeldView
08/24/2023On Demand: Digital Resources Seesaw1158:30 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
08/24/2023On Demand: Library Systems Training44511:00 AM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
09/20/2023Best Practices of Classroom Management: Grades PK-5 (Zoom)99253:30 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 3HeldView
09/21/2023On Demand: Castle Learning4452:30 PM3:30 PMZoomHeldView
09/21/2023Best Practices of Classroom Management: Grades 6-12 (Zoom)22253:30 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 3HeldView
09/28/2023Leaders Connect: Technology for Instruction1717509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 8HeldView
09/29/2023On Demand: Castle Learning4459:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
10/03/2023Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training883012:15 PM2:45 PMZoomHeldView
10/05/2023Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)1515603:15 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
10/10/2023Tech Tips and Tools: Castle for CBT Preparation66303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
10/23/2023Community and Schools Together57572008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
10/24/2023Administrative Intake for ENL/ELL Students55309:00 AM10:00 AMZoomHeldView
10/24/2023Leaders Connect: NY Guidance, Transgender and Gender Expansive Students1414501:30 PM2:30 PMZoom2 of 8HeldView
10/25/2023Administrative Intake for ENL/ELL Students44303:30 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/06/2023CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)33503:15 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
11/09/2023On Demand: Science Required Investigations99108:00 AM8:30 AMZoomHeldView
11/14/2023Tech Tips and Tools: Microsoft Applications40303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomPastView
11/16/2023Leaders Connect: Best Practices in Leadership77509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 8HeldView
11/27/2023Inner Orbit Training11503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/27/2023Social Emotional Learning CLC00303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 10CancelledView
11/29/2023Inner Orbit Training1153:00 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
11/30/2023Inner Orbit Training22503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
12/04/2023Algebra I Next Gen Updates66303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 3HeldView
12/05/2023Tech Tips and Tools: Creating Classroom Community with Gamification00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomCancelledView
12/07/2023The Writing Rope Book Study44303:15 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
12/11/2023Inner Orbit Training10503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomPastView
12/13/2023Inner Orbit Training11503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomHeldView
12/14/2023Inner Orbit Training00503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomPastView
12/14/2023On Demand: DASA Basic Overview1717203:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
12/19/2023Leaders Connect: Equitable Grading Practices1212501:30 PM2:30 PMZoom4 of 8HeldView
12/19/2023Social Emotional Learning CLC11303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 10HeldView
12/20/2023Wellness Wednesday00303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom1 of 7CancelledView
01/08/2024On Demand: Science Required Investigations1152:15 PM3:00 PMZoomHeldView
01/09/2024CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)99503:15 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
01/09/2024Tech Tips and Tools: Engaging Presentations00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomCancelledView
01/11/2024Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)99603:15 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
01/16/2024Culturally Proficient School Leadership, Session 11818459:30 AM11:30 AMZoom1 of 2HeldView
01/18/2024Leaders Connect: Cultural Proficiency1616509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom5 of 8HeldView
01/18/2024Book Study: Behind Their Screens2424353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
01/18/2024Inner Orbit Training20503:00 PM4:30 PMZoomPastView
01/23/2024Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)1111309:00 AM10:30 AMZoomHeldView
01/24/2024Wellness Wednesday22303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom2 of 7HeldView
01/30/2024Social Emotional Learning CLC22303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom6 of 10HeldView
02/01/2024Book Study: Miseducated: A Memoir by Brandon P. Fleming44307:00 PM8:00 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
02/05/2024CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)88503:15 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
02/06/2024Tech Tips and Tools: Engaging with Artificial Intelligence (AI)22303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/12/2024Algebra I Next Gen Updates44303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 3HeldView
02/15/2024Book Study: Behind Their Screens1717353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
02/28/2024Wellness Wednesday33303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 7HeldView
02/29/2024Leaders Connect: Working with Students in Poverty1616509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom6 of 8HeldView
02/29/2024On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards3351:00 PM2:15 PMZoomHeldView
02/29/2024The Writing Rope Book Study77303:15 PM4:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
02/29/2024Social Emotional Learning CLC44303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom7 of 10HeldView
02/29/2024Book Study: Miseducated: A Memoir by Brandon P. Fleming88307:00 PM8:00 PMZoom2 of 4HeldView
03/05/2024Tech Tips and Tools: NYS CBT Samplers00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomHeldView
03/07/2024Science of Reading Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)66603:15 PM4:15 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
03/18/2024Community and Schools Together69692008:30 AM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
03/18/2024Book Study: Behind Their Screens99353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
03/19/2024Culturally Proficient School Leadership, Session 2290459:30 AM11:30 PMZoom2 of 2PastView
03/19/2024Social Emotional Learning CLC44303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom8 of 10HeldView
03/27/2024Wellness Wednesday00303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 7CancelledView
03/28/2024Leaders Connect: Tech Tools for Administrators77509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom7 of 8HeldView
04/08/2024Algebra I Next Gen Updates00303:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 3CancelledView
04/09/2024CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2022-2023 (online)1616503:15 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
04/10/2024LETRS Information Session2727502:00 PM2:45 PMZoomHeldView
04/10/2024Wellness Wednesday40303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom5 of 7PastView
04/11/2024Book Study: Behind Their Screens1313353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 4HeldView
04/16/2024Tech Tips and Tools: Pyonkee and Scratch (Coding Math)00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomCancelledView
04/17/2024Book Study: We're Gonna Keep On Talking99353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 3HeldView
04/22/2024Social Emotional Learning CLC60303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom9 of 10PastView
04/25/2024Book Study: Miseducated: A Memoir by Brandon P. Fleming120307:00 PM8:00 PMZoom3 of 4PastView
04/30/2024Leaders Connect: Performance-Based Learning and Assessment88501:30 PM2:30 PMZoom8 of 8HeldView
05/08/2024Book Study: We're Gonna Keep On Talking33353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 3HeldView
05/14/2024Tech Tips and Tools: Gamification for Review00303:15 PM4:15 PMZoomCancelledView
05/16/2024The Writing Rope Book Study110303:15 PM4:30 PMZoom4 of 4PastView
05/29/2024Wellness Wednesday70303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom6 of 7PastView
05/30/2024Book Study: Miseducated: A Memoir by Brandon P. Fleming120307:00 PM8:00 PMZoom4 of 4PastView
06/05/2024Book Study: We're Gonna Keep On Talking00353:00 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 3CancelledView
06/12/2024Wellness Wednesday90303:30 PM4:30 PMZoom7 of 7PastView
07/10/2024Wellness Wednesday1901008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 4PastView
07/11/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities130509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom1 of 6PastView
07/11/2024NYS Science for Administrators705012:30 PM2:00 PMZoomPastView
07/17/2024Wellness Wednesday1901008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom2 of 4PastView
07/18/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities150509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom2 of 6PastView
07/24/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities160509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 6PastView
07/30/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities160509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom4 of 6PastView
08/05/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities170509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom5 of 6PastView
08/07/2024Wellness Wednesday1601008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom3 of 4PastView
08/12/2024Microsoft 365 for Administrators (Morning)70308:30 AM11:00 AMZoom1 of 2PastView
08/12/2024Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)60309:00 AM10:30 AMZoomPastView
08/12/2024Microsoft 365 for Administrators (Afternoon)203012:00 PM2:30 PMZoom2 of 2PastView
08/19/2024Teaching in Rural Places: Thriving in Classrooms, Schools, and Communities180509:30 AM10:30 AMZoom6 of 6PastView
08/20/2024Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training AM Zoom3131408:30 AM11:00 AMZoomHeldView
08/20/2024Teacher Lead Evaluator Refresher Training PM Zoom22224012:00 PM2:30 PMZoomHeldView
08/21/2024Wellness Wednesday1701008:30 AM10:30 AMZoom4 of 4PastView
08/21/2024NYS Science for Administrators40509:30 AM11:00 AMZoomPastView
09/10/2024UPDATED Child Abuse Identification (CAI) Workshop Zoom00303:30 PM5:30 PMZoomPastView
07/21/2015Test - Oliver0020CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 28:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
08/01/2015Clarkeee Test0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
08/04/2015Great Habits Great Readers0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room A8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
08/06/2015Writing from Sources Grades 6-80030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
08/10/2015Social Studies Rollout - K-5 Day 10030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room A8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
08/20/2015Informed Teaching Series - Day 10030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/15/2015New Curriculum Coordinator Orientation Meeting1010CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM8:45 AMPastView
09/15/2015Calling All Librarians0025CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/15/2015CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - Face-to-Face6040CA BOCES BarnTraining Room9:00 AM1:00 PMPastView
09/16/2015One-to-One Collaborative Learning Community0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/17/2015Social Studies CLC - Middle School/High School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/21/2015English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community for Middle & High School0035CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/21/2015Vocabulary Instruction in the K-2 Classroom0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room A8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/22/2015Learning to Use Learning Resources0025CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/22/2015NYSAA Training0035CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/23/2015New Lead Evaluator Training0025CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/23/2015NYSAA Training0035CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/24/2015Making More of the Research Paper0025CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/24/2015NYSAA Training0035CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/25/2015Teacher Academy CLC - Day 10030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/29/2015Math CLC: Pre K - 20030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/29/2015Tools for Conquering the Common Core with Harvey Silver0050CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
09/30/2015Math CLC: Grades 3-50030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/01/2015Math CLC: Grades 6-80030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/01/2015Social Studies Framework and the Common Core Standards: Grades K-512030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/05/2015Informed Teaching Series - Day 216030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/06/2015Assessment with Castle Learning0020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/06/2015Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Morning)21025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMPastView
10/06/2015Math CLC: Algebra 20030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/06/2015Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Afternoon)15025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:15 PM3:15 PMPastView
10/07/2015Total Participation Techniques0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/07/2015TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C10:30 AM1:00 PMPastView
10/08/2015Librarians Like Me Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/09/2015NYSAA Support Sessions003CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/14/2015Coding Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/15/2015Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) - Day 10030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/15/2015Introduction to Nanotechnology0030CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/19/2015Book Repair Workshop0020CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C12:00 PM2:30 PMPastView
10/20/2015Integrating Media Literacy and Critical Thinking into the Curriculum0030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/22/2015Creating Online Portfolios with MAHARA0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/23/2015NYSAA Support Sessions003CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
10/24/2015DASA Certification: Cohort 10 (face-to-face)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:00 PM7:30 PMPastView
10/26/2015Social Studies Rollout - K-5 Day 20030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room A8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/05/2015Oliver Test - Book Repair Workshop102CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room B8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/05/2015Reading Film: Using Movies in the Classroom19025Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/06/2015School Psychologists' Network0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/16/2015NYSAA Support Sessions003CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/18/2015NYSAA Support Sessions003CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
11/19/2015One-to-One Collaborative Learning Community0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/01/2015Oliver Test Oct153020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/02/2015Teacher Academy CLC - Day 20030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/03/2015Oliver Test Oct154010CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room A8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/03/2015TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room10:30 AM1:00 PMPastView
12/04/2015Informed Teaching Series - Day 30030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/07/2015English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community for Middle & High School0035CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/08/2015STEM Kit Conversion Project Day 1: K-111030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/09/2015Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Morning)0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMPastView
12/09/2015STEM Kit Conversion Project Day 1: 2-310030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/09/2015Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Afternoon)0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:15 PM3:15 PMPastView
12/10/2015CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - Face-to-Face24040CA BOCES BarnTraining Room9:00 AM1:00 PMPastView
12/17/2015Social Studies CLC - Middle School/High School0030Palmer Opera HouseCuba Opera House8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/18/2015Test3 - Oliver5030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room B8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/25/2015Clarkeee Test8030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:30 PM7:30 PMPastView
12/26/2015Fake Scoring3030Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/07/2016Librarians Like Me Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/11/2016Professional Development Department Meetings151530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
01/20/2016Calling All Librarians0025CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/21/2016Mix it Up with Blended Learning! Adobe Connect and Moodle0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/22/2016NYSAA Support Sessions0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/25/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 11 (face-to-face)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:30 PM7:00 PMPastView
01/27/2016Implementing Reading Eggs0030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
01/27/2016NYSAA Collegial Reviews: Belmont0030CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/27/2016NYSAA Collegial Reviews: Southern Tier West0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/29/2016NYSAA Collegial Reviews: Olean0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/04/2016Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Morning)0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMPastView
02/04/2016Inter-Rater Reliability for Lead Evaluators (Afternoon)0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:15 PM3:15 PMPastView
02/05/2016School Psychologists' Network0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
02/08/2016Informed Teaching Series - Day 40030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
02/10/2016Coding Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
02/12/2016Mindsets in the Classroom5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/23/2016STEM Curriculum Project131330CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/24/2016Study Island! Don't Get Voted Off!0030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
02/25/2016Social Studies CLC - Middle School/High School6630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/26/2016Teacher Academy CLC - Day 30030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
02/29/2016English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community for Middle & High School0035CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
02/29/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 12 (face-to-face)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:30 PM7:00 PMPastView
03/02/2016One-to-One Collaborative Learning Community0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/03/2016Creating Online Portfolios with MAHARA0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/08/2016CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - Face-to-Face0040CA BOCES BarnTraining Room9:00 AM1:00 PMPastView
03/09/2016TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room10:30 AM2:00 PMPastView
03/10/2016Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) - Day 20030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/10/2016Librarians Like Me Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/23/2016NYSAA Scoring Institute - Day 10030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/24/2016NYSAA Scoring Institute - Day 20030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/25/2016Fake Fake Fake2030CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Ellicottville CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/25/2016NYSAA Scoring Institute - *SNOW DATE*0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/29/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
04/07/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School9025CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
04/12/2016Mastering Castle Learning0020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
04/14/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 7555575Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/15/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 8545475CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
04/18/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 4626275Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
04/18/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 6585875Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
04/19/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 3606075Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
04/19/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 5575775Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
04/26/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 3606075Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
04/26/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 6575775Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
04/27/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 4616175Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM11:45 AMHeldView
04/27/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 7555575Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:15 PMHeldView
04/28/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 5565675Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
04/28/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 8515175Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM4:30 PMHeldView
05/05/2016Calling All Librarians0025CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
05/06/2016Teacher Academy CLC - Day 4252330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/06/2016On Demand: Elementary Principal Conference - Tech Tools for Administrators8830Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/06/2016On Demand: Elementary Principal Meeting - Growth Mindset8830Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
05/10/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series323150CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/11/2016Essential Elements: Schools to Watch (Middle School)131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
05/12/2016Wake and Learn - NY Learns121230Palmer Opera HouseCuba Opera House8:15 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/12/2016Music Library Exploration Meeting121230CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
05/17/2016BOCES Mentor Mentee292930CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/17/2016Math CLC: Grades 6-120030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
05/17/2016NYSESLAT Scoring4430CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/18/2016NYSESLAT Scoring3330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
05/19/2016Social Studies CLC - Middle School/High School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
05/19/2016Wake and Learn: Apple Showcase161630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/23/2016English Language Arts CLC for Middle & High School151535CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/23/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 13 (face-to-face)252530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:00 PM7:30 PMHeldView
05/25/2016Coding Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)111130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/25/2016Registration System Training252530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
05/25/2016The Future of Regional Scoring9930CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B11:30 AM1:15 PMHeldView
05/26/2016NYS Social Studies Framework: Piecing It Together272730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/01/2016Wake and Learn:Kurzweil 3000 - firefly6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
06/01/2016TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum161630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room10:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
06/02/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Algebra 28820CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
06/03/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Algebra 2 (Day 2)0080CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM4:30 PMCancelledView
06/03/2016School Psychologists' Network8830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/07/2016Rethink Discipline - Implementing Restorative Practices313150Erie 1 BOCESTraining Room B2A/B2B8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/10/2016Regional Scoring: Science Grade 4444475CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM12:45 PMHeldView
06/13/2016On Demand: Moodle111CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
06/13/2016Regional Scoring: Science Grade 8 (Day 1)303075CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/14/2016Regional Scoring: Science Grade 8 (Day 2)0075CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM4:30 PMCancelledView
06/15/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core ELA272780Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/16/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core ELA (Day 2)171780Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/16/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Living Environment202080Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/16/2016Shared Music Library101030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
06/17/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Global History & Geography (Day 1)202080Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/17/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Comprehensive English (2005 Standards)0080Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Global History & Geography (Day 2)131380Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Earth Science151580Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Algebra 1141480Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016On Demand: Moodle7710CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 US History & Government (Day 1)212180Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Geometry111180Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
06/22/2016On Demand: Moodle5510CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 US History & Government (Day 2)212180Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Algebra 2/Trigonmetry (2005)8880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Chemistry131380Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
06/23/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Physics8880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/27/2016On Demand: STEM Project101015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/28/2016On Demand: STEM Project8810CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/29/2016GeoGebra7730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/29/2016On Demand: STEM Project10015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
06/30/2016GeoGebra6630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/30/2016On Demand: STEM Project111015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/05/2016Another Fake Fake Fake Confirmation1130CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Ellicottville CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: STEM Project101030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum131330CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/12/2016Summer Technology Camp: ArchiTECHS in Education292945CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series303035CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum8830CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
07/13/2016Summer Technology Camp: ArchiTECHS in Education272745CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/14/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series202030CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/18/2016Children's Literature in the Social Studies Inquiries393950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/18/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 1111130Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 2121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/20/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 3121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 4101025Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/22/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 5121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2016Zulama Teacher Certification - Day 10024CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
07/26/2016Data Driven Instruction: First Steps3330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/26/2016Zulama Teacher Certification - Day 20024CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
07/27/2016Elementary Math: Grades K-2222230CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/27/2016Moodle Summer Camp: Putting Your Curriculum Online171730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2016Elementary Math: Grades 3-5161630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2016Moodle Summer Camp: Putting Your Curriculum Online191930CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2016Regional: Superintendent Retreat272730Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
07/29/2016Fake Fake Fake Confirmation2130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestComputer Lab8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
07/29/2016Regional: Superintendent Retreat272730Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2016Capturing Kids' Hearts - Day 1343450Hope Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran Church8:00 AM5:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2016Summer STEM Experience with Dream It. Do It.313150CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 18:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/02/2016Capturing Kids' Hearts - Day 2323250Hope Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran Church8:00 AM5:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): Middle School111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2016EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)121230CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2016EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)141430CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2016Lead Evaluator Training: Evidence Based Observation363640CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/05/2016Lead Evaluator Training: SLO and Growth262640CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/09/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series262650CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School8825CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/10/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School8825CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/10/2016Blended Learning Symposium565660Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/11/2016Fostering a Growth Mindset for Teachers343440CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/11/2016Blended Learning Symposium575760Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/12/2016Blended Learning Symposium525260Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/12/2016National Board Certification/Pre-Candidacy2230CA BOCES BarnConference Table10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/15/2016Zulama Teacher Certification Day 14224CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/15/2016National Board Certification/Pre-Candidacy1130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/15/2016National Board Certification/Pre-Candidacy0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room12:15 PM2:30 PMCancelledView
08/16/2016Zulama Teacher Certification Day 24424CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/17/2016Teacher Academy: Continuing Our Quest to be Great Teachers0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
08/18/2016Regional Scoring: Summer School Math Regents 20166630CA BOCES BarnConference Table8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
08/18/2016Regional Summer School Regents Scoring Social Studies7730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/18/2016Module Reboot4430CA BOCES BarnConference Table8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/19/2016Regional: Summer School Regents Scoring242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
08/23/2016Cultivating a Growth Mindset District Wide0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
08/23/2016STEM Shift Authors343447Holiday ValleyMain Lodge8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView