Catalog of Past Seminars for: All Workshops

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Displaying 2001-2500 of 8731 results.
DateNameEnrolledAttendedMax #SiteLocationStartEndTypeDayStatus                 Actions                 
05/16/2018Best Practices in Teaching Series0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
05/16/2018CA BOCES Regional Technical Showcase2525150CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/16/2018English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): MS & HS131330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
05/16/2018On Demand: Mentor/Mentee Training454550CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/17/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/17/2018Trauma Sensitive Classroom575760CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/17/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 6.05530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/18/2018On Demand: Technology Training5530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/18/2018Active PE383875Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/18/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting171730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
05/21/2018On Demand: ELA Support111115Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/21/2018Accessible Technology6540CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/21/2018On Demand: Integrating Co-Teaching9930Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School9:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
05/21/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 23 (face-to-face)222230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
05/22/2018NYSESLAT Scoring4410CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestDistance Learning Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/22/2018Grades 3-5 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Math/Science131330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
05/22/2018Teachers of LOTE Sharing Resources9930CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/23/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 6.0111130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/23/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/24/2018On Demand: Guided Reading131330Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School7:45 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/24/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/24/2018Integrated Co-Teaching0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
05/25/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
05/29/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (face-to-face)202040CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM1:00 PM4 of 4HeldView
05/29/2018STEM Circuit0015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 4CancelledView
05/30/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/30/2018New Teacher Academy Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)191925CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 4HeldView
05/30/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership303040CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/31/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/31/2018Cultivating Teacher Leaders4430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/31/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/31/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership303030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/31/2018Distance Learning Teacher Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)9930Good Times of OleanThe Point4:00 PM6:30 PM4 of 4HeldView
06/01/2018School Psychologists' Network101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
06/04/2018Ladybugs4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/05/2018STEM/STEAM Learning Visits232330Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/06/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations Global Studies6680Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/06/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Global History Day 1181880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/06/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership212130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/07/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Global History Day 2171780Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
06/07/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership212130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/07/2018Summer School Teachers Meeting303040CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B4:00 PM6:30 PMHeldView
06/08/2018Book Repair with KAPCO & Summer Reading7730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/11/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 4 Science414150Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/11/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 1171730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/12/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 2171730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/12/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)262630CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/12/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 8 Science262650Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/13/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)262630CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/13/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Algebra 1121280Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/13/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - ELA Day 1282880Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/14/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Living Environment191980Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/14/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - U.S. History Day 1232380Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:45 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/14/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations US History9810Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/14/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations- ELA Day 21080Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
06/15/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Algebra 28880Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/15/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Earth Science121280Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
06/15/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - U.S.History Day 2212180Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM10:45 AM2 of 2HeldView
06/15/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting8830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
06/18/2018Comprehensive School Counseling Program & Plan Development CLC4430Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/18/2018On Demand: Cubelets1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/19/2018Science Kit Training1115Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/19/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 1111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
06/19/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards1130Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School9:00 AM11:45 AMHeldView
06/20/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 2111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
06/20/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Geometry101080Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/20/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Physics8880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center9:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2018Regional Scoring: June 2018 Regents Examinations - Chemistry131380Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM11:15 AMHeldView
06/25/2018On Demand: ELA Support225Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/26/2018On Demand: ELA Support101015Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/27/2018On Demand: ELA Support9910Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM2:15 PMHeldView
07/02/2018Summer School141430Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/02/2018On Demand: Superintendent's Leadership Retreat Planning111Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School2:30 PM5:30 PMHeldView
07/03/2018Summer School141430Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/05/2018On Demand: Daily 34430Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/09/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Day 18830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:00 AM3:00 PM1 of 5HeldView
07/09/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards161630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/09/2018Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)5530Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/09/2018Designing Integrative STEM Activities to Make Learning Relevant202020Saint Bonaventure UniversityMagnano Centre9:00 AM3:00 PM1 of 5HeldView
07/10/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Day 29930Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 5HeldView
07/10/2018Kagan Structures Level 19920Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training121230Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training Fillmore Tech Camp101030Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/10/2018Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)6630Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/10/2018Designing Integrative STEM Activities to Make Learning Relevant202020Saint Bonaventure UniversityMagnano Centre9:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 5HeldView
07/11/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Day 38830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:00 AM3:00 PM3 of 5HeldView
07/11/2018Kagan Structures Level 19920Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/11/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
07/11/2018Designing Integrative STEM Activities to Make Learning Relevant191920Saint Bonaventure UniversityMagnano Centre9:00 AM3:00 PM3 of 5HeldView
07/12/2018Kagan Structures Level 19920Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM3 of 3HeldView
07/12/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Day 46630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM4 of 5HeldView
07/12/2018On Demand: Microsoft Suite of Services131330Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/12/2018Designing Integrative STEM Activities to Make Learning Relevant202025Saint Bonaventure UniversityMagnano Centre9:00 AM3:00 PM4 of 5HeldView
07/12/2018On Demand: Data Wise101030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:45 AM2:15 PMHeldView
07/13/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Day 55530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM5 of 5HeldView
07/13/2018On Demand: Microsoft Suite of Services111130Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards111130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/16/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards111130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PM3 of 3HeldView
07/16/2018Daily 5222230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/16/2018Summer STEM: Dream It Do It212150Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/16/2018Summer Tech Camp 2018: TECHsploring Our World!292950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/16/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices181825Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM1 of 5HeldView
07/17/2018Summer STEM: Dream It Do It181850Various local businessesLocal Businesses8:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
07/17/2018Integrating Cooperative Learning262630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/17/2018Summer Tech Camp 2018: TECHsploring Our World!242450CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
07/17/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices191925Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM2 of 5HeldView
07/18/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards8830Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/18/2018STEM Connections: From Curriculum to Careers - Day 1242430CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM4:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/18/2018Integrating Cooperative Learning303035CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
07/18/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices181825Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM3 of 5HeldView
07/18/2018On Demand: K-5 Guided Math7730Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2018On Demand: ELA Support Day 17730Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM4:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/19/2018On Demand: Guided Reading9930Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/19/2018On Demand: Restorative Practices - Building a Culture of Community111130Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
07/19/2018PLC: Building a Professional Learning Community in Your School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3CancelledView
07/19/2018STEM Connections: From Curriculum to Careers - Day 2222230CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/19/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices181825Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM4 of 5HeldView
07/20/2018On Demand: ELA Support Day 23330Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM11:30 AM2 of 2HeldView
07/20/2018STEM Connections: From Curriculum to Careers - Day 3111130CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM11:30 AM3 of 3HeldView
07/20/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices181825Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PM5 of 5HeldView
07/20/2018Designing Integrative STEM Activities to Make Learning Relevant8820Saint Bonaventure UniversityMagnano Centre10:00 AM4:00 PM5 of 5HeldView
07/23/2018On Demand: ELA Support333335Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/24/2018Summer Math Conference: Data Driven Excellence646471CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/25/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards9930Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2018On Demand: Technology Training Belfast Tech Camp111130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/26/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards8830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2018Ooey Gooey7730Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2018On Demand: Technology Training Belfast Tech Camp111130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
07/26/2018Superintendent's Leadership Retreat636385Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM4:30 PM1 of 2ExclusiveView
07/27/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards3330Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/27/2018Superintendent's Leadership Retreat595985Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM12:00 PM2 of 2ExclusiveView
07/30/2018On Demand: Breakout EDU454550Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/30/2018On Demand: Science Kit Training252530Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/30/2018On Demand: Technology Training Olean Day 18830Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
07/30/2018On Demand: Moodle4430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/30/2018Lead with Culture Book Study161630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM5:00 PM1 of 6HeldView
07/30/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 24 (online)141430Moodle1 of 2HeldView
07/31/2018Science Kit Training252530Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/31/2018On Demand: Genius Hour414150Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/31/2018HS Math CLC Summer7730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/31/2018On Demand: Daily 3131330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
07/31/2018On Demand: Technology Training Olean Day 28830Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
07/31/2018Principals and Assistant Principals Mini Conference464650CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2018On Demand: Maker Education in the Classroom262630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards222230Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/01/2018HS Math CLC Summer8830CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/01/2018On Demand: Daily 3131330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/01/2018On Demand: Technology Training Olean Day 35530Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
08/02/2018On Demand: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality222230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2018Dignity Act Coordinator Training (DASA Coordinator)262630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/02/2018Project Based Learning (PBL)181825CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/02/2018Lead with Culture Book Study1616308:00 PM9:00 PMZoom2 of 6HeldView
08/03/2018Project Based Learning (PBL)191925CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/03/2018Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN)6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/06/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/06/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive171730Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/06/2018Summer ELA Conference: Data Driven Excellence565670CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/06/2018On Demand: Apex Learning6615CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/06/2018On Demand: Science Kit Training1115CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/06/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive225CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/07/2018On Demand: ELA Support131330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/07/2018Engineering is Elementary (EiE)0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
08/07/2018NYS Arts Standards Teacher Forum141450CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/07/2018Lead with Culture Book Study1616308:00 PM9:00 PMZoom3 of 6HeldView
08/08/2018Enriching Students of Poverty8830CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/08/2018On Demand: ELA Support131330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/08/2018On Demand: ELA Support1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Griffith222230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Fuoco9930Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - McGinnis111130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Miller3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:15 AM12:15 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Nolan and Freer101030Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/08/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Mitchell121230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School11:15 AM12:15 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Daily 5141430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2018On Demand: ELA Support1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Beckwith151530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Griffith4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Miller5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Insley0030Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM2:45 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Keiser121230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - McGinnis111130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Nolan111130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018On Demand: Moodle1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/09/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Freer3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School2:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/10/2018Science Kit Training Grade 62215Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:45 AM10:45 AMHeldView
08/10/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Fuoco121230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM2:45 PMHeldView
08/10/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Keiser181830Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/10/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Miller5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:00 AM10:45 AMHeldView
08/10/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Beckwith5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:00 PM1:00 PMHeldView
08/10/2018Blended Learning Symposium - Insley2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School2:00 PM2:45 PMHeldView
08/13/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards121230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/13/2018Empowering Students to Own Their Learning111130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/13/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards3330Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/13/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 24 (face-to-face)141430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/13/2018Lead with Culture Book Study1616308:00 PM9:00 PMZoom4 of 6HeldView
08/14/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/14/2018Capturing Kids' Hearts383850CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/14/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Kindergarten AM Session3330CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/14/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/14/2018On Demand: Technology Training141430Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/14/2018Shakespeare's Globe Theater8830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/14/2018On Demand: Warehouse Tour8830CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room10:45 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/14/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Kindergarten PM Session4430CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/15/2018Capturing Kids' Hearts373750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PM2 of 3HeldView
08/15/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: First Grade AM Session1130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/15/2018Explicit Direct Instruction101020CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestComputer Lab8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/15/2018Fake News111125CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2018Teacher Evaluator Refresher Training242435CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: First Grade PM Session1130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
08/16/2018Capturing Kids' Hearts373750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM12:00 PM3 of 3HeldView
08/16/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations0020Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM4:00 PMCancelledView
08/16/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Second Grade AM1130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/16/2018PLC: Building a Professional Learning Community in Your School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3CancelledView
08/16/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Second Grade PM4430CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
08/16/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations8810Elm Street AcademyElm Street training room12:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
08/16/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations9910Elm Street AcademyElm Street training room12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/16/2018Lead with Culture Book Study1616308:00 PM9:00 PMZoom5 of 6HeldView
08/17/2018On Demand: Science Kit Training111115Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/17/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations8810Elm Street AcademyElm Street training room8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations9910CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM1:15 PMHeldView
08/17/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations335Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/17/2018Lead with Culture Book Study13133010:00 AM11:00 AMZoom6 of 6HeldView
08/20/2018Fostering a Trauma-Sensitive Learning Environment Day 1196196200Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
08/20/2018On Demand: STEAM Circuit115CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
08/20/2018STEAM Circuit0030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3CancelledView
08/20/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations8810CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/20/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations6610CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/20/2018Technology Tools for Administrators6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM12:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/20/2018Summer School Scoring: August 2018 Regents Examinations335Elm Street AcademyElm Street training room9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/21/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive2230Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/21/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Third Grade Weather and Forces151530CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/21/2018Fostering a Trauma-Sensitive Learning Environment Day 2189189200Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
08/21/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2215Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School9:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
08/22/2018On Demand: Technology Training 3-D Printing1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/22/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Third Grade Survival and Life Cycles111130CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/22/2018Fostering a Trauma-Sensitive Learning Environment Day 3178178200Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
08/22/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School2:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2018Curiosity and Questioning in the Classroom131325CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2018On Demand: Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Day 19930Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
08/23/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive111130Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2018On Demand: Moodle1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School2:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/24/2018On Demand: Fountas and Pinnell Assessment9930Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM12:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
08/28/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation9292100Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School7:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
08/28/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2215CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary8:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/28/2018On Demand: Trauma 101353540Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/28/2018Trauma Sensitivity Training272730Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/28/2018On Demand: Questioning Formulation Technique363640Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
08/29/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/29/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)161630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School10:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/29/2018On Demand: Standards-Based Grading181830Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/30/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Palmer Opera HouseCuba Opera House8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
08/30/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive131330Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/04/2018Technology Tools for Administrators - Microsoft Innovative Educators9930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
09/04/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2215Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School2:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/05/2018On Demand: Technology Training225Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/06/2018On Demand: Technology Training5510Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/07/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/07/2018On Demand: Fountas and Pinnell Assessment4410Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/07/2018On Demand: Apex Learning5515CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/07/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training2210Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:45 PM1:45 PMHeldView
09/10/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2215Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School7:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
09/10/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1110Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:15 AM10:45 AMHeldView
09/10/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1110Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School11:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
09/10/2018Professional Development Department Meetings191930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:00 PM3:45 PMHeldView
09/11/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School7:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/11/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive151530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/12/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/12/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/12/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology686870Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School2:45 PM3:45 PMHeldView
09/13/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
09/13/2018On Demand: Technology Training3310Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/13/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/14/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/14/2018On Demand: Star Lab101030Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
09/14/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/17/2018On Demand: Social Studies Data Analysis4410Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/17/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1010Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:15 AM10:00 AMHeldView
09/17/2018Mystery Connections0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
09/17/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive9910CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:30 AM11:15 AMHeldView
09/17/2018Community Schools Advisory Committee191945CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 31:00 PM3:00 PM1 of 4HeldView
09/17/2018On Demand: Distance Learning Training1110Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School1:00 PM1:45 PMHeldView
09/17/2018On Demand: Restorative Practices Meeting101030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/17/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive2210Olean City School DistrictEast View Elementary School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
09/18/2018On Demand: Math Data6630Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/18/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/18/2018On Demand: Olweus Training111Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
09/18/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning111130Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/18/2018Teacher Evaluator 101 for NEW Evaluators - Day 1: Observation111125CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
09/19/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive181830Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
09/19/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology2210Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/19/2018On Demand: Technology Training7730Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/19/2018Disrupting Poverty Book Study101030CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/19/2018Genius Hour CLC: Personalize Student Learning151530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
09/19/2018On Demand: Math Data5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/19/2018Social Studies - Resource Collection and Collaboration6630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/19/2018Middle School/High School Principals - Lead the Learning131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/19/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1110Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School2:30 PM3:15 PMHeldView
09/20/2018On Demand: Apex Learning5510CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/20/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development141420Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/20/2018Librarians - Collaborative Learning Community101022CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 5HeldView
09/20/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/20/2018PLC: Building a Professional Learning Community in Your School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3CancelledView
09/20/2018On Demand: Economics Curriculum Development1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School10:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
09/21/2018On Demand: ELA Support5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/21/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM12:15 PMHeldView
09/21/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/21/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting202030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
09/24/2018On Demand: Moodle9930Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/24/2018Special Education Staff Meeting282830Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
09/24/2018Special Education Staff Meeting474750Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
09/25/2018On Demand: Moodle9930Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/25/2018On Demand: Restorative Practices - Implementation Overview3330Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
09/25/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Third Grade Weather and Forces171730CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/25/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
09/25/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
09/26/2018Advancing STEM Kit Training: Third Grade Survival and Life Cycles161630CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/26/2018Computational Thinking CLC101030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM1:00 PM1 of 3HeldView
09/26/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
09/26/2018Apple Presentation121230CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/26/2018Distance Learning11102:30 PM4:00 PMZoomHeldView
09/27/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
09/27/2018New Teacher Academy Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)303031CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
09/27/2018On Demand: Technology Training8830Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
09/27/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2210Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
09/27/2018On Demand: Moodle131330Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School10:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
09/27/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation Meeting2250Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School11:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/27/2018CA BOCES Mentor/Mentee414150Holiday ValleyMain Lodge3:30 PM8:30 PMHeldView
09/28/2018On Demand: Distance Learning Training1110Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM9:15 AMHeldView
09/28/2018Orton Gillingham9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/28/2018Community Schools Service Showcase101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/28/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1110Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School9:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/28/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/01/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/01/2018On Demand: Technology Training5530Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/01/2018On Demand: Engineering Curriculum Planning1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/01/2018On Demand: Moodle1110CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/02/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA/Social Studies Standards8830Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/02/2018K-2 Math/STEM Collaborative Learning Community0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/02/2018VEX Robotics Forum292940CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
10/02/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training111Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School11:00 AM12:15 PMHeldView
10/02/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive656570Olean City School DistrictOlean High School3:00 PM4:15 PMHeldView
10/03/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology445Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/03/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/03/2018Grades K-5 Math/STEM Collaborative Learning Community171730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/03/2018On Demand: Apex Learning2215CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/03/2018On Demand: Distance Learning Training1110Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/04/2018On Demand: Star Lab6630Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/04/2018Developing Engaging Experiences for Primary Classrooms with Lisa Murphy666696Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/04/2018M9th Doesn't Have to be a 4 Letter Word5530CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/04/2018TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum323240CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 4HeldView
10/04/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:45 AM12:30 PMHeldView
10/04/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology225Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School1:45 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2018On Demand: Virtual Field Trip and Virtual Reality1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
10/05/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2018-2019 (face-to-face)272740CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM1:00 PM1 of 4HeldView
10/05/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology454550Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/05/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology363640Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:15 PM3:15 PMHeldView
10/05/2018On Demand: Math Data9930Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School12:15 PM12:45 PMHeldView
10/05/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School1:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2018Advancing STEM K-2 Kit Training3330Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary1:45 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/08/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 25 (online)242430Moodle1 of 2HeldView
10/09/2018M9th Doesn't Have to be a 4 Letter Word6630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/09/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology8810Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/09/2018Fake News5525CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/09/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive2230Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/09/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive8830Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School3:00 PM4:15 PMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards101030Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards6630Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology2210Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School7:45 AM11:45 AMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Social Studies Enduring Issues Essay9930Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training181830Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/10/2018Mathematics Instruction as Language Instruction121220CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
10/10/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 1171730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
10/11/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 2171730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2018Arts Standards Teacher Forum171730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2018Learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality5530CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2018Trauma Sensitive Classrooms232330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2018Elementary Principals Professional Development- Literacy Leadership6630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2018On Demand: Restorative Practices - Awareness Training464650Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School12:00 PM1:45 PMHeldView
10/12/2018On Demand: Genius Hour2210Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive262640Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School12:45 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/15/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/15/2018On Demand: Star Lab6630Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/15/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 1212130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/16/2018On Demand: Data Warehouse1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/16/2018On Demand: Star Lab8830Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/16/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 2212130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/16/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/16/2018Daily 50030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/16/2018English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): MS & HS232330CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
10/16/2018On Demand: Technology Training101030Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School10:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
10/16/2018On Demand: Math Data5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School11:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/17/2018On Demand: ELA Support445Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/17/2018On Demand: Genius Hour2210Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
10/17/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:15 AM3:30 PMHeldView
10/17/2018Digital Learning Day66120CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
10/17/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/17/2018Texas Instruments: More Than Just a Graphing Calculator0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/18/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning7730Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
10/18/2018On Demand: Technology Training5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/18/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development161620Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/18/2018Fall Workshop for Cattaraugus-Allegany School Library System161630CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/18/2018Grades 6-8 Science Collaborative Learning Community5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
10/18/2018Teacher Evaluator 101 for NEW Evaluators - Day 2: Growth and SLO9920CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM11:30 AM2 of 2HeldView
10/18/2018Teaching with Office 3650030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2CancelledView
10/19/2018Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)212130Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2018On Demand: ELA Support Literacy101030Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/19/2018On Demand: Trauma Sensitive Classroom696970Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
10/19/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive AM343435Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School9:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/19/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive PM373640Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Computer Curriculum Development1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: ELA Support8830Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Guided Reading4430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/22/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:30 AM3:45 PMHeldView
10/22/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 25 (face-to-face)242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
10/23/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning AM4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:15 AM11:15 AMHeldView
10/23/2018Maker Series: Breaker Space9930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/23/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning PM3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/23/2018Special Education Staff Meeting171730Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School2:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
10/23/2018Special Education Staff Meeting282830Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
10/24/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning9930Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/24/2018On Demand: Technology Training7730Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/24/2018Hack Your Classroom With Transformational Technology0030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/24/2018Literacy Programs1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/24/2018Compliance Officer Training131330CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/25/2018On Demand: Office 365 One Drive181830Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
10/25/2018Introduction to Restorative Practices141430CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2018New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA) - Training111130CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2018On Demand: ELA Support1130Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/25/2018On Demand: ELA Support1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2018On Demand: Breakout EDU Science2210Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School12:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning212130Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology262630Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation111111120Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/26/2018Using Circle Effectively141430CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/26/2018On Demand: Trauma484850Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/29/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
10/29/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/29/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/29/2018Middle/High School Resource Room Teacher Collaborative Learning Community0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3CancelledView
10/29/2018On Demand: ELA Support101030Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/29/2018Orton Gillingham1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/29/2018On Demand: Breakout EDU Science2210Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School11:45 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/29/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Olean City School DistrictEast View Elementary School12:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
10/30/2018On Demand: ELA Support7730Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
10/30/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/30/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM10:15 AMHeldView
10/30/2018Creating Student Playlists with TES030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
10/30/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/30/2018Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)202030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/30/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/31/2018On Demand: Technology Training5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/31/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1110CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE2:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2018Empowering Students to Own Their Learning2230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
11/01/2018On Demand: Star Lab1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
11/01/2018Orton Gillingham1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 1222230CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2018On Demand: Distance Learning Training1110Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/02/2018On Demand: Technology Training7730Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/02/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership Day 2222230CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2018School Psychologists' Network6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 3HeldView
11/02/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology115West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School9:15 AM10:15 AMHeldView
11/02/2018On Demand: Distance Learning Training0010Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School9:45 AM10:15 AMHeldView
11/05/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM11:45 AMHeldView
11/05/2018On Demand: Apex Learning1115Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
11/05/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1110Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/05/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School1:45 PM3:45 PMHeldView
11/06/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/06/2018Blended Learning Instructional Tools3330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/06/2018Librarians - Collaborative Learning Community9922CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 5HeldView
11/06/2018On Demand: Office 365 One Drive181830Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/06/2018Teaching with Office 3650030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
11/06/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology161620Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School1:30 PM3:15 PMHeldView
11/06/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School3:00 PM5:30 PMHeldView
11/06/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2018-2019 (online)99503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom1 of 4HeldView
11/07/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards141430Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:30 AM8:00 AMHeldView
11/07/2018On Demand: Social Studies Enduring Issues Essay7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School7:45 AM2:45 PMHeldView
11/07/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/07/2018On Demand: Technology Training151530Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/07/2018On Demand: ELA Support4430Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:15 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/07/2018Curiosity and Questioning in the Classroom0025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
11/07/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology181820Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
11/08/2018Explicit Direct Instruction111120CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
11/08/2018On Demand: Genius Hour4410Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/08/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology202025Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School1:30 PM3:15 PMHeldView
11/09/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology4410Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/09/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/09/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards2210Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/09/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/09/2018How to Modulize a Trade Book5510CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/09/2018On Demand: Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom6630Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/09/2018How to Modulize a Trade Book7710CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView