Catalog of Past Seminars for: All Workshops

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Displaying 1501-2000 of 9251 results.
DateNameEnrolledAttendedMax #SiteLocationStartEndTypeDayStatus                 Actions                 
11/09/2017On Demand: Growth Mindset313135Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School3:15 PM3:45 PMHeldView
11/13/2017On Demand: Office 365: One Drive, One Note1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/14/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 1.08830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/14/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2017On Demand: Technology Training1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2017On Demand: Technology Training1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/14/2017On Demand: Technology Training2230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2017Ladybugs6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/14/2017Responsive Teacher Collaborative Learning Community CLC282835CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 4HeldView
11/14/2017On Demand: Science Kit Training3315Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: Data Meeting Grades 3-8141430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: Instructional Coaching4430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards2230Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: Technology Training6630Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2017Restorative Practices and Leadership191930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2017On Demand: Maker Education in the Classroom282830Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2017Edmark Reading Program1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/16/2017On Demand: Daily 35530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2017Restorative Practices and Leadership181830CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2017Animal Silhouettes4430Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/16/2017Xello Training/Career Cruising101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2017On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards7730Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/17/2017On Demand: Computer Curriculum Development2230Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
11/17/2017Animal Silhouettes2230Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
11/17/2017New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)282831CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/17/2017On Demand: Moodle1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
11/20/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 1.06630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/20/2017Great Ideas for Team Success808085Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/21/2017On Demand: Integrating Co-Teaching8830Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School10:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/21/2017Barton Reading and Spelling Program1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:30 PM4:00 PMHeldView
11/27/2017On Demand: Maker Education in the Classroom1130West Valley Central School DistrictWest Valley Central School7:45 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/27/2017On Demand: Growth Mindset6630Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:45 PMHeldView
11/27/2017On Demand: Technology Training5530Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/27/2017Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)181830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/27/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Office 365: One Drive8830CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Technology Training3330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Technology Training Coding6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Library Systems Training2230Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:15 AM1:30 PMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: ELA Support9910Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/28/2017Size Matters Handwriting Program6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/28/2017On Demand: Star Lab4430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM12:45 PMHeldView
11/29/2017On Demand: RtI Elementary Observation and Support141430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2017On Demand: Technology Training5530Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2017Best Practices in Teaching Series101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2017Importance of Bats1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/29/2017On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology8830Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2017Elementary Math Spec Ed Fractions Grade 3-54430CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE11:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/29/2017On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings 2.08830Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School3:00 PM4:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2017On Demand: Technology Training9930Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2017Animal Silhouettes4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/30/2017Grades K-2 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Math/Science171730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
11/30/2017Middle School Science Collaborative Learning Community111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
11/30/2017Elementary Math Spec Ed Fractions Grade 3-55530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:15 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2017Orton Gillingham1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/01/2017On Demand: ELA Support115Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
12/01/2017On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings 2.09930Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
12/01/2017Grades 3-5 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Math/Science181830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
12/01/2017High School Science Collaborative Learning Community141430CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
12/04/2017On Demand: Technology Training3330Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
12/04/2017Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology7730Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School8:00 AM1:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards111130Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Technology Training5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017SchoolRise - Building Capacity - Teacher Leadership111170Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/05/2017Active PE484875Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017Advancing STEM Grade K - Group 1 Science Kit Training (Part 2)8850CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/05/2017On Demand: Social Studies Framework7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/05/2017Opossums4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
12/05/2017Size Matters Handwriting Program4430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/06/2017Elementary Math Spec Ed9930CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
12/06/2017On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards121230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
12/06/2017On Demand: Social Studies Framework2230Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/06/2017SchoolRise - Building Capacity - Teacher Leadership121270Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/06/2017Advancing STEM Grade K - Group 2 Science Kit Training (Part 2)191950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/06/2017Creating Active Learning Experiences in the PK-12 Classroom0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
12/06/2017Moodle Winter Camp4020CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
12/06/2017Rock Talk1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
12/06/2017Animal Xrays2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
12/06/2017Elementary Math Spec Ed141430CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
12/07/2017On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards6610Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/07/2017Advancing STEM Grade 1 - Group 1 Science Kit Training (Part 2)2250CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/07/2017Grade Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)171730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
12/07/2017Microsoft OneNote for Administrators7730CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/07/2017Restorative Practices and Leadership232330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/07/2017Writing with Video - Cohort 1 - Continued Learning7715Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/08/2017On Demand: Guided Reading6630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/08/2017On Demand: Math Data6630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/08/2017On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards2230Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
12/08/2017Restorative Practices and Leadership232330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/08/2017School Librarians Collaborative Learning Community7725CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/08/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 1.03330CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE11:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/11/2017Size Matters Handwriting Program7730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/11/2017Inter-Rater Reliability: Aligning Evidence (Online)121230Moodle2 of 3HeldView
12/12/2017On Demand: Math Professional Development3310Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:45 AM2:45 PMHeldView
12/12/2017On Demand: Technology Training1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
12/12/2017On Demand: Technology Training2230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/12/2017Advancing STEM Grade 1 - Group 2 Science Kit Training (Part 2)272750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
12/12/2017Cultivating Teacher Leaders9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
12/12/2017Daring Migration1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
12/12/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 2.06630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/13/2017On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology111130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
12/13/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 2.05530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
12/13/2017On Demand: Technology Training8830Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
12/13/2017On Demand: Technology Training4430Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/13/2017Advancing STEM Grade 2 - Group 1 Science Kit Training (Part 2)6650CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
12/13/2017On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School9:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
12/13/2017Explicit Direct Instruction 2.05530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
12/14/2017On Demand: Technology Training1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
12/14/2017Advancing STEM Grade 2 - Group 2 Science Kit Training (Part 2)202050CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
12/14/2017New Teacher Academy Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)222225CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 4HeldView
12/15/2017On Demand: Computer Curriculum Development1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
12/15/2017On Demand: Mahara Training4410Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
12/15/2017On Demand: Technology Training3330Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
12/15/2017Motivating and Managing Students242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/15/2017On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards8810Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
12/15/2017On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/15/2017CSE Chairperson Meeting161630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
12/18/2017Robotics Academy Certified ROBOTC Training for VEX EDR292929Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
12/18/2017On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings6630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
12/19/2017On Demand: Office 365: One Drive4430Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
12/19/2017CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (face-to-face)353545CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM1:00 PM2 of 4HeldView
12/19/2017Robotics Academy Certified ROBOTC Training for VEX EDR272727Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
12/19/2017Curriculum Forum: Meeting After the Meeting161645CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C1:15 PM2:45 PMHeldView
12/20/2017On Demand: Star Lab101030Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/20/2017Grades 6-12 Math CLC9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/20/2017On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards5510Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
12/20/2017Fast Forward Training1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
12/21/2017On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
12/21/2017On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)2230Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
12/22/2017On Demand: Technology Training1130Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
12/22/2017On Demand: Zoom1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School2:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
01/02/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/03/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
01/03/2018Lorax2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
01/03/2018Winter Web1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:45 AM12:15 PMHeldView
01/04/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/04/2018Fossils4430Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/04/2018On Demand: Data Trend Planning1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/04/2018Texas Instruments: More Than A Graphing Calculator101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/04/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/08/2018Nature's Treasures4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/08/2018Professional Development Retreat212130Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
01/08/2018SchoolRise - Vision of an Excellent Reader616170Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
01/09/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership222130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/09/2018Opossums6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:45 AMHeldView
01/09/2018Professional Development Retreat131330Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
01/09/2018On Demand: Breakout EDU373740Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School2:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
01/09/2018Tier 1 Behavior Strategies6630Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School2:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
01/10/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
01/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/10/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership222230CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/10/2018On Demand: Data Warehouse2230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
01/11/2018On Demand: ELA Support555Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/11/2018On Demand: Integrating Co-Teaching9930Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:15 AM2:15 PMHeldView
01/11/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:15 AM11:15 AMHeldView
01/11/2018Busy Beavers4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/11/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/11/2018School Librarians Collaborative Learning Community3325CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/11/2018TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum313140CA BOCES BarnTraining Room11:00 AM2:30 PM3 of 4HeldView
01/11/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
01/12/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation767690Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School7:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/12/2018On Demand: Technology Training3230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
01/12/2018Growth Mindsets7730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
01/15/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 21 (online)232330Moodle1 of 2HeldView
01/16/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School7:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/16/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development3310Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:45 AM2:45 PMHeldView
01/16/2018On Demand: Coding1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/16/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
01/16/2018Growth Mindsets6630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/17/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/17/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 3.07730Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
01/17/2018On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings 2.0161630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
01/17/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/17/2018OneDrive. OneNote. 1016615CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/17/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology4430Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary10:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
01/18/2018On Demand: Growth Mindset4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/18/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/18/2018NYS Learning Standards for the Arts - Introduction474760CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/18/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership292930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/18/2018On Demand: ELA Support445Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/18/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 3.08830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
01/18/2018On Demand: Mentor/Mentee Training7730Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School2:45 PM4:15 PMHeldView
01/18/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School2:45 PM3:15 PMHeldView
01/19/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards181830Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/19/2018On Demand: Guided Reading2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:15 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/19/2018NYS Learning Standards for the Arts - Introduction353560CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/19/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership292930CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/19/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting222230CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
01/22/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/22/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/22/2018Size Matters Handwriting Program6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
01/22/2018On Demand: Promethean/Classflow6620Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/22/2018On Demand: Zoom1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School12:30 PM1:15 PMHeldView
01/22/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (online)110503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom2 of 5PastView
01/23/2018On Demand: iPad Training2230Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM1:45 PMHeldView
01/23/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/23/2018Growth Mindset 2.0101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
01/23/2018Deploying Apple in Education8830CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room9:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/24/2018On Demand- Motivating and Managing Students292930Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
01/24/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards6610Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
01/24/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School10:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
01/24/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School10:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
01/25/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM12:45 PMHeldView
01/25/2018Orton Gillingham4430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/25/2018Regional Scoring: January 2018 Regents Examinations - ELA101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM4:30 PMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People454555Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation484850CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: Engineering is Elementary (EIE)151530Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School9:15 AM1:30 PMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive121230Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School9:15 AM11:30 AMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation494955Olean City School DistrictOlean High School9:15 AM11:45 AMHeldView
01/26/2018On Demand: Mentor/Mentee Training474750CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
01/29/2018On Demand: APPR Training1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/29/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 21 (face-to-face)222230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
01/30/2018Middle/High School Resource Room Teacher Collaborative Learning Community252530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
01/30/2018STEM Circuit121230CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 4HeldView
01/31/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation474750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 39:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
01/31/2018On Demand: Mentor/Mentee Training474750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 312:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
02/01/2018On Demand: Guided Reading131330Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School7:45 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/01/2018English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): MS & HS181830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
02/01/2018Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): Middle School6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
02/01/2018Private Eye6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
02/01/2018On Demand: ELA Support115Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
02/01/2018NYS Learning Standards for the Arts - Updates1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
02/02/2018On Demand: Daily 34430Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/02/2018On Demand: Pre-K Program Consultation2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/02/2018On Demand: Technology Training - Curriculum mapping1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:45 AMHeldView
02/02/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/02/2018School Psychologists' Network101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 3HeldView
02/02/2018On Demand: Next Generation Math Standards2210Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School11:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/05/2018Danielson Rubric Training1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
02/05/2018On Demand: Star Lab3330Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
02/05/2018Growth Mindsets111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/05/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development 6-12 Dept Teams4470Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/05/2018Busy Beavers4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
02/05/2018Professional Development Department Meetings121230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:15 PM2:30 PMHeldView
02/06/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
02/06/2018On Demand: Star Lab6630Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/06/2018Responsive Teacher Collaborative Learning Community CLC111130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 4HeldView
02/06/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development 6-12 Dept Teams5570Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/06/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation Mindset454550Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School3:00 PM3:45 PMHeldView
02/07/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Assessment2230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/07/2018On Demand: APPR Training1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
02/07/2018Technology Solutions Meeting February 7, 2018191960CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/07/2018(Rescheduled to 3/22/18) Grades K-2 Collaborative Learning Community ELA/Social Studies0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
02/07/2018Writing with Video - Cohort 1 - Continued Learning5530Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/08/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/08/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development3310Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/08/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership151530CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/08/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development 6-12 Dept Teams3370Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/09/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
02/09/2018On Demand: Social Studies-ELA Curriculum Development2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/09/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
02/09/2018All Schools Day141430CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
02/09/2018Restorative Practices and Leadership151530CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/09/2018Fossils2230Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School9:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
02/09/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School10:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/12/2018Restorative Practices and Trauma414150CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/12/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
02/12/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development 6-12 Dept Teams3370Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/12/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework Assessment1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/12/2018On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings 2.06630Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School3:00 PM5:00 PMHeldView
02/12/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 22 (online)181830Moodle1 of 2HeldView
02/13/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 4.05530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
02/13/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/13/2018Restorative Practices and Trauma414150CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/13/2018On Demand: Daily 34430Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/13/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development 6-12 Dept Teams3370Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/13/2018Star Lab1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
02/13/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School11:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/13/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 4.05530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
02/13/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
02/13/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (online)00503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom3 of 5CancelledView
02/14/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology4430Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/14/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School7:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
02/14/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/14/2018On Demand: Science Professional Development1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School11:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
02/14/2018Erie 1 and Library Automation171730CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 312:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
02/15/2018On Demand: Science Professional Development6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/15/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
02/15/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
02/15/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School8:15 AM12:15 PMHeldView
02/15/2018Best Practices in Teaching Series101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/15/2018Lorax6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
02/15/2018School Librarians Collaborative Learning Community101025CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/15/2018Distance Learning Teacher Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Online66302:30 PM3:30 PMZoom3 of 4HeldView
02/16/2018On Demand: Technology Training343435Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:15 AM2:00 PMHeldView
02/16/2018On Demand: Moodle2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:45 AM1:00 PMHeldView
02/16/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting232330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
02/20/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive Day 1101030Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM2:30 PM1 of 2HeldView
02/21/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive Day 28830Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
02/26/2018On Demand: ELA Support9910Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
02/26/2018Social Thinking and Elementary Resources151530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/26/2018On Demand: Star Lab5530Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
02/26/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 4.06630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/26/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 22 (face-to-face)191930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
02/26/2018Inter-Rater Reliability: Rating Evidence (Online)111130Moodle3 of 3HeldView
02/27/2018New Teacher Academy Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)222225CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 4HeldView
02/27/2018On Demand: Star Lab9930Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School9:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
02/27/2018On Demand: Professional Development STEM Planning4430Olean City School DistrictOlean High School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
02/28/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
02/28/2018Creating Active Learning Experiences in the PK-12 Classroom131330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/28/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/28/2018Opioid and Mental Health Requirements for Health Teachers282850CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
02/28/2018Nature's Treasures4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
02/28/2018On Demand: Star Lab8830Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School9:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
03/01/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/01/2018Big Dipper1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM10:45 AMHeldView
03/01/2018Cultivating Teacher Leaders8830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/01/2018On Demand: Coding4430Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/01/2018On Demand: Star Lab111130Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School9:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
03/01/2018Step Up to Writing Special Education2230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
03/01/2018On Demand: STEM Curriculum0030Pioneer Central School DistrictArcade Elementary School3:30 PM7:30 PMHeldView
03/02/2018Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM4 of 5CancelledView
03/05/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary7:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
03/05/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/05/2018SchoolRise - Technology and Vision Statement494970Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM9:00 AMHeldView
03/05/2018Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies (HELPS)3330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/05/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
03/05/2018On Demand: ELA Support225Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
03/05/2018Robust Vocabulary8830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
03/06/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
03/06/2018Animal Defenses6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:45 AMHeldView
03/06/2018Standards-Based Grading CLC0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
03/06/2018Writing with Video: Rural Voices6025Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMPastView
03/06/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School12:00 PM1:15 PMHeldView
03/06/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation444450Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School3:00 PM3:45 PMHeldView
03/07/2018SchoolRise - Teacher Leadership222270Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/07/2018Amplify Your Teaching: Exploring Digital Tools for the K-6 Classroom-Book Study0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2CancelledView
03/07/2018Fossils2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
03/07/2018Traveling Water1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School11:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/08/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (face-to-face)202050CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM1:00 PM3 of 4HeldView
03/08/2018Camouflage4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/08/2018Grade Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)171730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
03/08/2018Curriculum Forum: Meeting After the Meeting9945CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 31:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: Guided Reading121230Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School7:45 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: Conflict Resolution242430Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive252530Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: APPR Training181830Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:16 AM1:45 PMHeldView
03/09/2018Active PE464675Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018LOTE Conference232330Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018IEP Development Writing242430CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/09/2018On Demand: Breakout EDU323135Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School9:45 AM1:45 PMHeldView
03/12/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 1212130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
03/12/2018Opossums4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: ELA Support335Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: STEAM Competition Planning5530Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework2230Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
03/13/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 2212130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
03/13/2018Comprehensive School Counseling Program & Plan Development CLC131330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/13/2018On Demand: RtI and Data Meetings 2.08830Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School3:00 PM4:30 PMHeldView
03/14/2018Lead Evaluator Refresher3330Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/14/2018NYS Learning Standards for the Arts4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand- Motivating and Managing Students272730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: ELA Support111115Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM12:15 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development101015Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM12:15 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework111130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
03/14/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development - Social Studies5570Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
03/14/2018Genius Hour: Making the Move to Personalize Learning5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/14/2018Star Lab6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: Reading Eggs141430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School10:15 AM12:00 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:15 AM12:30 PMHeldView
03/14/2018On Demand: Standards-Based Grading4430Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School3:15 PM5:15 PMHeldView
03/14/2018Special Education Staff Meeting464650Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
03/15/2018On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards grades 5/61130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/15/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development - Math6670Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
03/15/2018Grades 3-5 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)212130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
03/15/2018Star Lab6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/15/2018TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum222235CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 311:00 AM2:30 PM4 of 4HeldView
03/15/2018SchoolRise - Reading Strand Development - Science8870Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/16/2018On Demand: Poverty Simulation474755Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School7:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
03/16/2018Size Matters Handwriting Program - ISS212130CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM3:45 PMHeldView
03/16/2018On Demand: Professional Development Planning585860Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
03/16/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting272730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:00 PM2:45 PMHeldView
03/16/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology121230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
03/16/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards141430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School1:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
03/19/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/19/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/19/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 1181830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM1 of 2HeldView
03/19/2018On Demand: Teacher Academy1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/20/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/20/2018On Demand: ELA Support6610Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
03/20/2018Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) Day 2181830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:15 AM3:00 PM2 of 2HeldView
03/20/2018Middle/High School Resource Room Teacher Collaborative Learning Community252530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/20/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development2210Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
03/21/2018Life in the Oak Tree4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/21/2018Road to the Code9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/21/2018STEM Circuit8815CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 4HeldView
03/22/2018Explicit Direct Instruction 5.09930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
03/22/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM1:30 PMHeldView
03/22/2018Grades K-2 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) ELA/Social Studies0030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
03/22/2018OneDrive. OneNote. 1010015CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
03/22/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary11:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
03/23/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/23/2018Digital Learning Day 20180050CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
03/23/2018On Demand: Lead Evaluator Training1130CA BOCES BarnConference Table8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
03/26/2018Creating Active Learning Experiences in the PK-12 Classroom0030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMCancelledView
03/26/2018Grades K-2 Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Math/Science9930CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE8:30 AM2:30 PM2 of 2HeldView
03/26/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/27/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School7:45 AM12:15 PMHeldView
03/27/2018On Demand: Digital Resources and Technology121230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/27/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/27/2018On Demand: Next Generation ELA Standards101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Technology Training4430Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Star Lab5530Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
03/28/2018Social Thinking8830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School9:00 AM2:45 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Social Studies Framework1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: New York State Alternate Assessment Training Session (NYSAA)1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
03/28/2018On Demand: Standards-Based Grading Report Cards121230Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School3:30 PM5:00 PMHeldView
03/29/2018Eisenhower Consortium 2017-18161630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/04/2018On Demand: Lead Evaluator Training1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM10:45 AMHeldView
04/09/2018On Demand: Library Systems Training0030Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training7730Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/10/2018Where is my home6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/10/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
04/11/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/11/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/11/2018Road to the Code6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
04/11/2018On Demand: Reading Eggs1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary9:15 AM10:00 AMHeldView
04/12/2018On Demand: Office 365: One Drive5530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/12/2018SchoolRise - Leadership111170Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/12/2018Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School111125CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PM5 of 5HeldView
04/12/2018On Demand: Science Professional Development1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/12/2018On Demand: Coding1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
04/13/2018On Demand: Technology Training7730Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/13/2018SchoolRise - Leadership111170Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/16/2018Where is my home4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/17/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/17/2018On Demand: Technology Training6630Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/17/2018On Demand: ELA Support445Olean City School DistrictEast View Elementary School8:15 AM11:15 AMHeldView
04/17/2018SchoolRise - PK Training3370Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:15 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/17/2018On Demand: Star Lab5530Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/17/2018Writing with Video - Cohort 1 - Continued Learning7715Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/17/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (online)77503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom4 of 5HeldView
04/17/2018Special Education Staff Meeting282830Pioneer Central School DistrictDelevan Elementary School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
04/18/2018On Demand: Star Lab6630Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/18/2018Zulama Teacher Certification6610CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/18/2018CASLS - School Librarians151530CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/18/2018Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) Refresher7730Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/18/2018Private Eye2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
04/18/2018Classifying1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School11:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
04/19/2018On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/19/2018On Demand: NYS Learning Standards for the Arts7730Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
04/19/2018On Demand: ELA Support7710Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
04/19/2018Active PE494975Saint Bonaventure UniversityReilly Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
04/19/2018Animal Habitat Train4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/19/2018On Demand: Leadership Institute373740Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club5:30 PM8:30 PMHeldView
04/20/2018CSE Chairperson Meeting141430CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B12:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
04/23/2018On Demand: Technology Training5530Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
04/23/2018On Demand: MPPR Training11308:15 AM9:16 AMZoomHeldView
04/23/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School10:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/24/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 3 ELA555570Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/24/2018Time Capsules1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School9:00 AM12:45 PMHeldView
04/25/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 4 ELA525170Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/25/2018Oliver and Oil Spill6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/26/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 5 ELA515170Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/26/2018Star Lab4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
04/27/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 6 ELA545470Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
04/30/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 7 ELA525270Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/01/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 8 ELA535370Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/02/2018On Demand: Instructional Coaching4430Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
05/02/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
05/02/2018Middle School Science Collaborative Learning Community1130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
05/02/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School11:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/03/2018On Demand: Technology Training2230Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
05/03/2018High School Science Collaborative Learning Community131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PM3 of 3HeldView
05/03/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/04/2018Moodle Teachers4420CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/04/2018On Demand: Technology Training1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School11:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/07/2018On Demand: ELA Support7710Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:14 PMHeldView
05/07/2018Size Matters Handwriting Program1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/07/2018DASA Certification: Cohort 23 (online)222230Moodle1 of 2HeldView
05/08/2018On Demand: Technology Training3330Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
05/08/2018On Demand: ELA Support335Olean City School DistrictEast View Elementary School8:15 AM11:15 AMHeldView
05/08/2018On Demand: Teacher Academy1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School1:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
05/09/2018Oliver and Oil Spill2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/09/2018Daring Migration1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School11:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
05/09/2018Special Education Staff Meeting353540Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School3:30 PM4:30 PMHeldView
05/10/2018Camouflage4430Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/11/2018Camouflage2230Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
05/11/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 3 Math565670Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/11/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 6 Math535370Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/14/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 4 Math535370Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/14/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 7 Math484870Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/14/2018CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2017-2018 (online)00503:15 PM4:00 PMZoom5 of 5CancelledView
05/15/2018On Demand: Mentor/Mentee Training383850CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/15/2018Passenger Pigeons1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM12:15 PMHeldView
05/15/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 5 Math505070Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
05/15/2018Regional Scoring 2018: Grade 8 Math474770Good Times of OleanGood Times of Olean8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/16/2018Animal Defenses4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView