Catalog of Past Seminars for: All Workshops

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Displaying 1001-1500 of 9168 results.
DateNameEnrolledAttendedMax #SiteLocationStartEndTypeDayStatus                 Actions                 
04/19/2016Regional Scoring: ELA Grade 5575775Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
04/26/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 3606075Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
04/26/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 6575775Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
04/27/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 4616175Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM11:45 AMHeldView
04/27/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 7555575Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM1:15 PMHeldView
04/28/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 5565675Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
04/28/2016Regional Scoring: Math Grade 8515175Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM4:30 PMHeldView
05/02/2016On Demand: STEM Room Meeting4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/02/2016On Demand: APPR Training - Pioneer Admins5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School2:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
05/02/2016On Demand: APPR Training Pioneer APPR Team191930Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School3:45 PM5:00 PMHeldView
05/02/2016On Demand: Strategic Planning335Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School6:00 PM8:00 PMHeldView
05/03/2016On Demand: STEM Project3330Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
05/03/2016On Demand: APPR Training Friendship6630Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School3:15 PM4:30 PMHeldView
05/06/2016On Demand: 6+1 Traits of Writing111130Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
05/06/2016Teacher Academy CLC - Day 4252330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/06/2016On Demand: Elementary Principal Conference - Tech Tools for Administrators8830Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/06/2016On Demand: Elementary Principal Meeting - Growth Mindset8830Bartlett Country ClubBartlett Country Club12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
05/09/2016On Demand: Principal Evaluation (MPPR Training)5530Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/09/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 13 (online)272730MoodleHeldView
05/10/2016On Demand: Grade 5 Math Pacing4430Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:15 AM11:15 AMHeldView
05/10/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series323150CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/10/2016On Demand: Snap Training232330Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School1:00 PM1:30 PMHeldView
05/10/2016Seismic Shake Up!101030Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/10/2016On Demand: Technology Training151530Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/10/2016Coding212130Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School1:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
05/10/2016On Demand: Digging into Snap8830Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School1:35 PM2:05 PMHeldView
05/11/2016Classroom Observations (Non-Evaluative)2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
05/11/2016Essential Elements: Schools to Watch (Middle School)131330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
05/11/2016On Demand: Technology Integration2230Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/11/2016Book Study: Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)8830Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
05/11/2016On Demand: Faculty Meeting - Virtual Field Trips303030Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
05/11/2016On Demand: APPR Training and Support5530Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School3:15 PM5:00 PMHeldView
05/12/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework6630Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/12/2016Wake and Learn - NY Learns121230Palmer Opera HouseCuba Opera House8:15 AM10:30 AMHeldView
05/12/2016On Demand: Technology Integration4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/12/2016Music Library Exploration Meeting121230CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
05/12/2016On Demand: Coding Information Meeting5530Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School3:00 PM4:15 PMHeldView
05/16/2016On Demand: Math Pacing Calendar1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
05/17/2016BOCES Mentor Mentee292930CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/17/2016NYSESLAT Scoring4430CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/18/2016On Demand: Technology Integration5530Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
05/18/2016On Demand: Comprehensive School Counseling9930Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/18/2016NYSESLAT Scoring3330CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
05/19/2016On Demand: Comprehensive School Counseling9930Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/19/2016On Demand: Technology Training4430Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/19/2016Wake and Learn: Apple Showcase161630CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
05/20/2016On Demand: Math Meetings, Observations, Principal Meeting5530Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
05/20/2016On Demand: ELA Support Data Warehouse335Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School11:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
05/23/2016Zulama Teacher Certification6624Capital Region BOCESCapital Region BOCES8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
05/23/2016English Language Arts CLC for Middle & High School151535CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/23/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 13 (face-to-face)252530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:00 PM7:30 PMHeldView
05/24/2016Zulama Teacher Certification6624Capital Region BOCESCapital Region BOCES8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
05/24/2016On Demand: APPR Training6630Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
05/24/2016Social Studies Framework1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School10:15 AM1:00 PMHeldView
05/24/2016On Demand: APPR Training & Support4430Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School3:15 PM4:30 PMHeldView
05/25/2016Coding Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)111130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
05/25/2016Registration System Training252530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
05/25/2016The Future of Regional Scoring9930CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B11:30 AM1:15 PMHeldView
05/26/2016NYS Social Studies Framework: Piecing It Together272730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/01/2016Wake and Learn:Kurzweil 3000 - firefly6630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
06/01/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting1110Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/01/2016TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum161630CA BOCES BarnTraining Room10:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
06/01/2016On Demand: ELA Support555Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/01/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting1110Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
06/01/2016On Demand: DL Class Visit1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School2:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
06/02/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Algebra 28820CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
06/02/2016On Demand: Let's Build a Dam1130Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
06/02/2016Teacher Appreciation Dinner141430Moonwink's RestarauntMoonwink's Restaraunt5:00 PM7:00 PMHeldView
06/03/2016On Demand: Technology Integration4430Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/03/2016On Demand: Technology Training325Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/03/2016School Psychologists' Network8830CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/06/2016On Demand: Hummingbird Robotics1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School1:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
06/07/2016On Demand: Hummingbird Robotics112Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
06/07/2016Rethink Discipline - Implementing Restorative Practices313150Erie 1 BOCESTraining Room B2A/B2B8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/07/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting1110Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
06/07/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting2210Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School12:00 PM1:00 PMHeldView
06/08/2016On Demand: Instructional Support in Classroom1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM1:30 PMHeldView
06/08/2016On Demand: APPR Training334Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/08/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting2210Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/08/2016On Demand: DL Course Confirmation Meeting111Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School12:30 PM1:30 PMHeldView
06/09/2016On Demand: STEM PD8810Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/10/2016On Demand: Technology Integration335Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/10/2016Regional Scoring: Science Grade 4444475CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM12:45 PMHeldView
06/10/2016On Demand: Mahara Training111Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/13/2016On Demand: Moodle111CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
06/13/2016Regional Scoring: Science Grade 8 (Day 1)303075CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/13/2016CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - Online181840CA BOCES BarnTraining Room9:00 AM10:30 AMAdobeHeldView
06/13/2016On Demand: Apex Learning335Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
06/14/2016On Demand: DL Room Design Meeting111Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/15/2016On Demand: MS Engineering Day445Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
06/15/2016On Demand: Summer School Meeting111Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/15/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core ELA272780Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/15/2016On Demand: Faculty Meeting111Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School3:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
06/16/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core ELA (Day 2)171780Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/16/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Living Environment202080Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/16/2016Shared Music Library101030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
06/17/2016On Demand: Living Environment Regional Scoring7710Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/17/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Global History & Geography (Day 1)202080Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
06/20/2016On Demand:Geometry/Alg 2/Trig Regional Scoring9910Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Global History & Geography (Day 2)131380Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Earth Science151580Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
06/20/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Algebra 1141480Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016On Demand: Moodle7710CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 US History & Government (Day 1)212180Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/21/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Common Core Geometry111180Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
06/22/2016On Demand: Moodle5510CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 US History & Government (Day 2)212180Saint Bonaventure UniversityMurphy Hall8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Algebra 2/Trigonmetry (2005)8880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/22/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Chemistry131380Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
06/22/2016On Demand: ELA Support225Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School1:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
06/23/2016Regional Scoring: June 2016 Physics8880Saint Bonaventure UniversitySwan Business Center8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
06/23/2016On Demand: Apex Learning445Olean City School DistrictOlean High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
06/23/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
06/27/2016On Demand: Moodle2210Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/27/2016On Demand: STEM Project101015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/28/2016On Demand: Moodle2210Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School9:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
06/28/2016On Demand: STEM Project8810CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room9:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/29/2016GeoGebra7730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/30/2016GeoGebra6630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
06/30/2016On Demand: STEM Project111015CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/01/2016On Demand: Lego Robot Training2230Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/05/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework131330Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/05/2016On Demand: Summer School Coding1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/05/2016Another Fake Fake Fake Confirmation1130CA BOCES - Ellicottville CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Ellicottville CTE8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: Differentiation: How-To and General Support212130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: Summer Tech and Travel School1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: STEM Project101030CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training3330Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/06/2016On Demand: EDI for Summer School Teaching8830Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: Differentiation: How-To and General Support202030Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework131330Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: Summer Tech and Travel School1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand; ELA Module Alignment2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum131330CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: Summer School Online Course Support1130Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/07/2016On Demand: EDI for Summer School Teaching9930Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/08/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework131330Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/08/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/08/2016On Demand: Media Meeting1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
07/12/2016On Demand: Summer School Coding1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/12/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework8830Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/12/2016Summer Technology Camp: ArchiTECHS in Education292945CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series303035CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum8830CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
07/13/2016On Demand: Technology Training1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/13/2016Summer Technology Camp: ArchiTECHS in Education272745CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/14/2016On Demand: Project Based Learning161630Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
07/14/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series202030CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/14/2016On Demand: Tech Tools for Improved Instruction262630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/14/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/15/2016On Demand: Tech Tools for Improved Instruction252530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/18/2016On Demand: Pioneer Science Week141430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/18/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework8830Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/18/2016Children's Literature in the Social Studies Inquiries393950CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/18/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 1111130Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: Pioneer Science Week121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: Summer School Coding1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: ELA Module Alignment3330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 2121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: Summer School Online Course Support1130Salamanca City School DistrictSalamanca Middle-High School9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
07/19/2016On Demand: Book Study Growth Mindset5530Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School6:00 PM8:30 PMHeldView
07/20/2016On Demand: Pioneer Science Week111130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/20/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework141430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/20/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 3121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/20/2016On Demand: Summer School Online Course Support2230Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2016On Demand: Pioneer Science Week101030Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework101030Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 4101025Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/21/2016On Demand: Apex Learning115Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/22/2016On Demand: ELA Module Alignment2130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
07/22/2016Writing with Video: Rural Voices - Day 5121225Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/22/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework1130Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/22/2016On Demand: ELA Module Alignment2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping161630Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/25/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping121230Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
07/25/2016On Demand: Technology Training1130Olean City School DistrictOlean High School12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping131330Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2016On Demand: Summer School Coding1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/26/2016Data Driven Instruction: First Steps3330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/26/2016On Demand: Apex Learning225Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
07/27/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping121230Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
07/27/2016Elementary Math: Grades K-2222230CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/27/2016Moodle Summer Camp: Putting Your Curriculum Online171730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/27/2016Theories & Techniques of Coaching10015MoodleHeldView
07/28/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping141430Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
07/28/2016Elementary Math: Grades 3-5161630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B/C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2016Moodle Summer Camp: Putting Your Curriculum Online191930CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
07/28/2016Regional: Superintendent Retreat272730Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
07/28/2016On Demand: Curriculum Development and Alignment2230Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
07/29/2016Fake Fake Fake Confirmation2130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestComputer Lab8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
07/29/2016Regional: Superintendent Retreat272730Holiday ValleyThe Inn at Holiday Valley8:30 AM4:00 PMHeldView
07/29/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2016On Demand: Thoughtful Education 507121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/01/2016Capturing Kids' Hearts - Day 1343450Hope Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran Church8:00 AM5:00 PMHeldView
08/01/2016On Demand: Summer Technology Camp232330Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/01/2016Summer STEM Experience with Dream It. Do It.313150CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 18:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/01/2016Letchworth State Park191930Letchworth State ParkLetchworth State Park9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2016On Demand: Thoughtful Education 507121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/02/2016Capturing Kids' Hearts - Day 2323250Hope Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran Church8:00 AM5:00 PMHeldView
08/02/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): Middle School111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/02/2016On Demand: STEM Stations191930Letchworth State ParkLetchworth State Park9:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/03/2016On Demand: Thoughtful Education 507121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2016EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)121230CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/03/2016On Demand: Technology Training111Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/04/2016On Demand: Thoughtful Education 507121230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2016On Demand: Vertical Alignment Math9910Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/04/2016EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)141430CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2016Lead Evaluator Training: Evidence Based Observation363640CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/04/2016On Demand: Apex Learning335Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/04/2016On Demand: Technology Training1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/05/2016Lead Evaluator Training: SLO and Growth262640CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/05/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum1130Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/09/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series262650CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School8825CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/09/2016On Demand: Curriculum Mapping111Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/10/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School8825CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/10/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework4430Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/10/2016Blended Learning Symposium565660Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/10/2016On Demand: Writing Arguments5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School2:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/11/2016Fostering a Growth Mindset for Teachers343440CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/11/2016Blended Learning Symposium575760Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/11/2016On Demand: Writing Arguments6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School1:30 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/12/2016On Demand: Planning For Data Meeting2230Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM9:45 AMHeldView
08/12/2016On Demand: Pre-K Science6630Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/12/2016Blended Learning Symposium525260Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/12/2016National Board Certification/Pre-Candidacy2230CA BOCES BarnConference Table10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/12/2016On Demand: Writing Arguments5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School2:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/15/2016On Demand: Vertical Alignment ELA9930Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/15/2016Zulama Teacher Certification Day 14224CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/15/2016National Board Certification/Pre-Candidacy1130CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/15/2016On Demand: Moodle6630Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/15/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 14 (online)353540MoodleHeldView
08/16/2016Zulama Teacher Certification Day 24424CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
08/16/2016On Demand: Moodle4430Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2016On Demand: Data Meeting Grades 3-8121230Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/17/2016On Demand: Guided Reading212130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2016On Demand: Moodle4430Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/17/2016On Demand: STEM Curriculum5530Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School8:30 AM1:30 PMHeldView
08/18/2016Regional Scoring: Summer School Math Regents 20166630CA BOCES BarnConference Table8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
08/18/2016Regional Summer School Regents Scoring Social Studies7730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/18/2016Module Reboot4430CA BOCES BarnConference Table8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/18/2016On Demand: Moodle3330Olean City School DistrictOlean Intermediate Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/19/2016Regional: Summer School Regents Scoring242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM4:00 PMHeldView
08/22/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School8:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/23/2016On Demand: Mentor Training5530Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/23/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources202030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/23/2016STEM Shift Authors343447Holiday ValleyMain Lodge8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/23/2016On Demand: ELA Module Alignment2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School12:30 PM4:00 PMHeldView
08/24/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources202030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/24/2016Cultivating a Growth Mindset District Wide121230CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/24/2016Distance Learning Teacher CLC: Day 18830CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room 48:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/24/2016On Demand: New Professional Staff Orientation222230CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/25/2016Standards-Based Grading: Day 1202030CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Room and DL Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/25/2016The Right Fit! Merging ELA and Social Studies: Grades K-2131330CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/25/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School1:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/26/2016On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards5530Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
08/26/2016On Demand: APPR Training3330Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School9:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
08/30/2016On Demand: iPad Training272730Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
08/30/2016On Demand: Office 365: One Drive313135Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
08/30/2016On Demand: SS Framework and NYS Science Standards444450Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:15 AM9:15 AMHeldView
08/30/2016On Demand: Vocabulary191930Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School9:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
08/30/2016Staff Specialist Book Study4430CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room12:00 PM1:30 PMHeldView
08/30/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 14 (face-to-face)333340CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C4:00 PM7:30 PMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Professional Development Planning1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Restorative Practices606065CA BOCES - Southern Tier WestLarge Training Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Literacy in the Content Area191930Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Feedback for Learning181830Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School12:30 PM3:00 PMHeldView
08/31/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training2230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/01/2016On Demand: Smartboard Training9930Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/01/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/01/2016On Demand: SNAP/Library Resources Training5530Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School12:15 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/01/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training2230Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/01/2016On Demand: STEAM Activities323235Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/02/2016On Demand: SNAP/Library Resources Training141430Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School8:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
09/02/2016On Demand: SNAP/Library Resources Training242430Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/02/2016On Demand: Apex Learning225Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School10:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
09/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
09/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
09/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School10:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School12:00 PM1:30 PMHeldView
09/06/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School1:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/07/2016On Demand: STEM PD3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
09/07/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:45 AM9:45 AMHeldView
09/07/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School1:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/07/2016On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards1130Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School2:30 PM4:00 PMHeldView
09/08/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Andover Central School DistrictAndover Central School9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/08/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School12:00 PM1:00 PMHeldView
09/08/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/08/2016On Demand: APPR Training - SLO Training434350Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School2:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
09/09/2016On Demand: DL Class Visit1130Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/13/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Class Planning1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School2:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
09/14/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development4410Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM3:15 PMHeldView
09/14/2016On Demand: Reading Eggs Overview6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/14/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM12:30 PMHeldView
09/15/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development3310Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/15/2016Lead Evaluator Training: Evidence Based Observation161630CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/15/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/15/2016On Demand: Adobe Connect1130CA BOCES - Belmont CTEDistance Learning Room1:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/19/2016Enriching Students of Poverty242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/19/2016On Demand: iPad Meeting1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
09/20/2016CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2016 - 2017 (face-to-face)323240CA BOCES BarnTraining Room9:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
09/20/2016On Demand: Reading Eggs171730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School12:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/20/2016ISS Itinerant Faculty: APPR and CTLE Training9930CA BOCES BarnConference Table4:00 PM5:30 PMHeldView
09/21/2016New Teacher Academy CLC: Day 1232325CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/21/2016On Demand: Adobe Connect1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School2:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/22/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
09/22/2016Beyond the Test: Proficiency Based Assessment and RtI515160CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/22/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Training1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/22/2016Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)171730Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Elementary School11:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/22/2016On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School2:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/23/2016NYSAA Training SS & Science - NEW NYSAA TEACHERS202035CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/23/2016On Demand: Reading Eggs Overview9930Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/26/2016NYSAA Training SS & Science - EXPERIENCED NYSAA TEACHERS181835CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/26/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
09/27/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources6630Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
09/27/2016On Demand: Moodle6630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM11:30 AMHeldView
09/27/2016On Demand: Star Lab7730Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
09/27/2016On Demand: Moodle7730Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:00 PM3:15 PMHeldView
09/28/2016On Demand: School Counselor Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM9:00 AMHeldView
09/28/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources5530Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/28/2016On Demand: Reading Eggs9930Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:15 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/28/2016Best Practices in Teaching Series171730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/28/2016On Demand: Mahara Planning Meeting1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:30 PM2:00 PMHeldView
09/28/2016On Demand: Music Library Meeting2230CA BOCES - Belmont CTEMulti-Purpose Room at Belmont CTE2:30 PM3:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources8830Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2016BOCES Mentor Mentee555560Holiday ValleyMain Lodge8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/29/2016On Demand: Geometry Training1130Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School9:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
09/30/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development8810Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
09/30/2016On Demand: School Counselor Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
09/30/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development7710Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
09/30/2016On Demand: Team Planning Meeting Technoloy2230Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School12:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
10/03/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources6630Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/04/2016Animal Xrays2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
10/04/2016Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/04/2016On Demand: ELA Common Core6630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/04/2016Explicit Direct Instruction9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/04/2016Food Chains1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School10:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/05/2016Animal Xrays5530Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM12:15 PMHeldView
10/05/2016Math Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): High School101025CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2016Explicit Direct Instruction5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/05/2016On Demand: Snap Training3330Portville Central School DistrictPortville Middle-High School2:30 PM3:45 PMHeldView
10/06/2016Animal Silhouettes4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/06/2016Math CLC: Middle School (6-8), Day 1101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/07/2016On Demand: Mahara Training111Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/07/2016Fostering a Growth Mindset for Teachers191930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/07/2016On Demand: Clear Touch Interactive1130Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/07/2016Three Dimensional Teaching: Elementary5520CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/10/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 15 (online)292940MoodleHeldView
10/10/2016Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics in Education - 20167715MoodleHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Math Alignment3330Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework101030Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:00 AM9:30 AMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Vocabulary3330Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School8:30 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2016Pre-K Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)272730CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: APPR Training515155Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:45 AM11:15 AMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Snap Training484850Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:45 AM9:15 AMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School9:45 AM10:45 AMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Vocabulary5530Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School9:45 AM10:45 AMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework4430Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Vocabulary4430Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Vocabulary5530Portville Central School DistrictPortville Elementary School1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
10/11/2016On Demand: Technology Training - SMARTboard4430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School1:00 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/12/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework8830Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2016CASLS Fall Workshop232330CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM3:30 PMHeldView
10/12/2016On Demand: New Teacher Academy Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)4425Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/12/2016Science on Seneca Pre-training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM9:15 AMHeldView
10/12/2016On Demand: Olweus Consultation2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Elementary9:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/12/2016Secondary Principal/Curriculum Updates111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
10/12/2016On Demand: Data Warehouse1130Randolph Academy Union Free School DistrictRandolph Campus10:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
10/12/2016On Demand: Data Warehouse Overview5530Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
10/13/2016Changing Social Studies Assessments151530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/13/2016Ladybugs4430Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/13/2016Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/13/2016Phonics - Reading Reflex2230Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/14/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School7:45 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/14/2016On Demand: EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)232330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/14/2016On Demand: NYSAA Training Social Studies & Science1135CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/14/2016On Demand: Digital Content151530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
10/14/2016On Demand: Questioning Techniques151530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM9:30 AMHeldView
10/14/2016Science on Seneca Pre-training1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM9:15 AMHeldView
10/14/2016The Right Fit! Merging ELA and Social Studies: Grades 3-5111130CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/14/2016Phonics - Reading Reflex3330CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
10/17/2016On Demand: ELA Curriculum Alignment2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:15 AM9:30 AMHeldView
10/17/2016On Demand: Apex Learning Digital Content Overview335Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School12:30 PM1:30 PMHeldView
10/17/2016Standards-Based Grading101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:30 PM2:45 PMHeldView
10/18/2016On Demand: Coding4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/18/2016NYSAA Training Social Studies & Science111135CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:45 PMHeldView
10/18/2016On Demand: Curriculum Development and Alignment8830Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/18/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training1130Genesee Valley Central School DistrictGenesee Valley Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/19/2016Teaching and Engaging with Poverty in Mind (Eric Jensen)189189250Premier Banquet CenterPremier Banquet Center8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/19/2016The T.A.B. ReMix121230Whitesville Central School DistrictWhitesville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/20/2016On Demand: Moodle6630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/20/2016EiE Kit Training (Engineering is Elementary)151530CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/20/2016Phonics - Orton Gillingham5530CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/20/2016On Demand: Zulama Support1130Belfast Central School DisrictBelfast Central School10:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/20/2016On Demand: Moodle6630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:00 PM3:15 PMHeldView
10/21/2016On Demand: Zulama Teacher Certification1124Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/21/2016Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development1110Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2016THATcamp4430Saint Bonaventure UniversityDoyle Hall8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/25/2016English Language Arts Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): MS & HS202035CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2016Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)4430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2016TCI Refresher171730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Rooms A/B8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/25/2016On Demand: Puzzlets Troubleshooting1130Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School9:30 AM11:00 AMHeldView
10/26/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/26/2016Education Solutions Math PD3330Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/26/2016Science on Seneca Field Trip1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM6:30 PMHeldView
10/27/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework5530Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School7:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/27/2016On Demand: Technology Integration3330Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/27/2016WNY Trauma Summit404050Holiday ValleyYodeler Lodge8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
10/27/2016Animal Silhouettes5530Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School8:30 AM12:15 PMHeldView
10/27/2016On Demand: Common Core Updates5530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
10/27/2016Standards-Based Grading: Day 2101030CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/28/2016On Demand: Common Core Math101030Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/28/2016Three Dimensional Teaching: Middle School and High School7720CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
10/28/2016Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)464650Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School9:00 AM2:00 PMHeldView
10/28/2016On Demand: 3D Printing9830Franklinville Central School DistrictFranklinville Middle-High School9:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
10/31/2016On Demand: Apex Learning8810Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Middle-High School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
10/31/2016On Demand: Technology Apps for Education101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:15 PM2:15 PMHeldView
11/01/2016Graphic Novels171750CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2016Explicit Direct Instruction6630Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School11:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2016On Demand: Credit Recovery212130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School3:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
11/01/2016DASA Certification: Cohort 15 (face-to-face)232340CA BOCES BarnTraining Room4:00 PM7:30 PMHeldView
11/02/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development5510Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2016On Demand: e-Portfolio Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM1:00 PMHeldView
11/02/2016Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)141430Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/02/2016On Demand: Kahoot7730Olean City School DistrictEast View Elementary School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
11/03/2016Explicit Direct Instruction9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/03/2016On Demand: Common Core Updates7730Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/03/2016On Demand: Moodle8830Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/03/2016On Demand: Moodle8830Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School12:00 PM3:15 PMHeldView
11/04/2016On Demand: e-Portfolio Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
11/04/2016NYSAA Training Social Studies & Science151535CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/04/2016On Demand: Higher-Order Thinking111130Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/04/2016School Psychologists' Network7730CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/04/2016On Demand: ELA Module Alignment2230Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School10:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
11/07/2016TCIF: Technology Coordinator and Integrator Forum242430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room10:30 AM1:00 PMHeldView
11/07/2016CA BOCES Curriculum Forum - 2016 - 2017 (online)1515503:15 PM4:15 PMAdobeHeldView
11/08/2016Camouflage5530Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School9:00 AM12:45 PMHeldView
11/09/2016Phonics101030CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/09/2016Rock Talk1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School9:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
11/09/2016Animal Silhouettes1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School11:30 AM1:45 PMHeldView
11/10/2016On Demand: ELA Curriculum Alignment1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School8:00 AM11:15 AMHeldView
11/10/2016Star Lab6630Salamanca City School DistrictProspect Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/10/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development131315Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School9:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School7:45 AM8:30 AMHeldView
11/14/2016On Demand: How to Facilitate Data Meetings1130Randolph Academy Union Free School DistrictRandolph Campus11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/14/2016Text Based Discussion: George Couros9930CA BOCES BarnTraining Room1:00 PM2:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2016On Demand: Coding Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)3330Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/15/2016On Demand: Curriculum Development and Alignment8830Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/15/2016On Demand: Literacy in the Content Area161630Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:15 AM3:15 PMHeldView
11/15/2016Camouflage2230Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School8:30 AM10:30 AMHeldView
11/15/2016Conducting STEM Challenges6620CA BOCES - Learning ResourcesTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/15/2016Restorative Justice: Supporting a Culture of Care282830CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/15/2016Home Sweet Home1130Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School11:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2016Applying the Lexile Framework for Reading Grades K-6131350CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2016Education Solutions Math PD151530Fillmore Central School DistrictFillmore Central School8:30 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/16/2016Energy Bingo1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School8:30 AM10:45 AMHeldView
11/16/2016Compass Basics1130Bolivar-Richburg Central School DistrictBolivar-Richburg Elementary School11:00 AM12:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School11:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/16/2016On Demand: Mahara Training111Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
11/16/2016On Demand: NYS Science Learning Standards181830Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School3:00 PM4:00 PMHeldView
11/17/2016On Demand: Common Core Math3330Hinsdale Central School DistrictHinsdale Central School7:45 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/17/2016Phonics (Barton Phonemic Awareness)1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:00 AM11:00 AMHeldView
11/17/2016Applying the Lexile Framework for Reading Grades 7-127750CA BOCES - Olean CTETraining Room C8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/17/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Randolph Central School DistrictRandolph Middle-High School8:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/17/2016Star Lab5530Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM12:15 PMHeldView
11/17/2016Creating Online Portfolios with MAHARA1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
11/18/2016On Demand: Classroom Observations (Non-Evaluative)4430Friendship Central School DistrictFriendship Central School8:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/18/2016Star Lab5530Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School DistrictCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School8:30 AM12:15 PMHeldView
11/18/2016On Demand: Distance Learning Equipment Training1130Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School11:00 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/21/2016HELPS (Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies/High Frequency Word Instruction1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/21/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Allegany-Limestone Central School DistrictAllegany-Limestone Middle-High School8:30 AM9:00 AMHeldView
11/21/2016On Demand: Social Studies Framework262630Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/21/2016TCI Refresher1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer Middle School9:00 AM10:00 AMHeldView
11/21/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Randolph Central School DistrictGail N Chapman Elementary School9:15 AM9:45 AMHeldView
11/21/2016On Demand: Restorative Practices282830CA BOCES EXED Ivers J Norton (IJN)EXED Ivers J Norton Elementary11:30 AM2:15 PMHeldView
11/21/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training2230Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School12:30 PM2:30 PMHeldView
11/22/2016On Demand: Data Meeting Grades 3-85530Randolph Academy Union Free School DistrictRandolph Campus8:00 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/22/2016On Demand: Restorative Practices323235Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School8:30 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/22/2016On Demand: Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind Overview252530Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba-Rushford Middle-High School9:00 AM10:30 AMHeldView
11/22/2016Reading Reflex: Beginning Code3330Olean City School DistrictWashington West Elementary School9:00 AM11:30 AMHeldView
11/22/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Pioneer Central School DistrictPioneer High School11:30 AM12:00 PMHeldView
11/22/2016Phonics (Barton Phonemic Awareness)1130CA BOCES BarnTraining Room12:00 PM3:00 PMHeldView
11/23/2016On Demand: NYSAA Collegial Reviews1130Scio Central School DistrictScio Central School7:45 AM8:15 PMHeldView
11/29/2016Comprehensive School Counseling Program Development Series252530CA BOCES - Olean CTEConference Room 1, 2, 38:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2016Reading with Video: Rural Voices8825Houghton CollegeChamberlain Hall8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/29/2016On Demand: Library Systems Training2230Salamanca City School DistrictSeneca Elementary School1:00 PM3:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2016On Demand: STEM Resource Day4430Cuba-Rushford Central School DistrictCuba Elementary School8:00 AM3:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources8830Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Elementary School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
11/30/2016Best Practices in Teaching Series141430CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
11/30/2016On Demand: Technology Training4430Ellicottville Central School DistrictEllicottville Central School8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/01/2016On Demand: Teaching with Primary Sources8830Wellsville Central School DistrictWellsville Middle-High School8:00 AM3:00 PMHeldView
12/01/2016New Teacher Academy CLC: Day 2232325CA BOCES BarnTraining Room8:30 AM2:30 PMHeldView
12/01/2016On Demand: Math Professional Development6610Olean City School DistrictOlean High School8:30 AM3:15 PMHeldView
12/01/2016Distance Learning Teacher Collaborative Learning Community (CLC): Day 233303:00 PM4:00 PMAdobeHeldView