View Seminar: Creator Workshop: Learn Adobe Express

Seminar NameCreator Workshop: Learn Adobe Express
Seminar BrochureNot set
External Seminar BrochureNot set
Seminar Short DescThis workshop instructs teachers how to create engaging teaching materials using Adobe Express. Participants will learn best practices for design and hands-on experience creating posters, presentations, videos and infographics. The workshop covers student use and, by the end, participants will be equipped to create effective visual materials that enhance their teaching and integrate Adobe Express for student use.
Seminar Full DescThis professional development workshop is designed for educators who want to enhance their teaching materials with visually appealing graphics and designs using the Adobe Express platform. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively use Adobe Express to create engaging and visually appealing teaching materials, as well as how to integrate Adobe Express for student use.

Throughout the workshop, participants will learn the basics, including how to navigate the platform, how to choose the appropriate templates, and how to use the various design tools to create engaging visuals. They will also learn about best practices for using visuals in teaching, such as how to choose appropriate images, colors, and fonts to effectively communicate information. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own materials using Adobe Express and will be encouraged to experiment and explore the platform to create unique and engaging visuals that align with their teaching goals.

By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a thorough understanding of how to effectively use Adobe Express to create engaging teaching materials, and how to incorporate the use of the platform into their students' learning experiences. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently introduce Adobe Express to their students, and to guide them through the process of creating engaging and effective visuals. This workshop is suitable for educators of all levels and subjects, and no prior experience with graphic design is required.
Seminar Date03/27/2025
Opening Time8:30 am
Closing Time2:30 pm
Last Day To Register03/26/2025      [ Note: After this date, participation changes can be requested by e-mailing Laurie Sledge ]
Twin SeminarNot set
Seminar AudienceAll educators or administrators (PK-12) can learn how to use Adobe Express to create materials. However, students in grades 3-12 are best suited to using Adobe Express themselves.
Seminar PrerequisitesNot set
Seminar Topics, Concepts & Resources- Introduction to Adobe Express, including an overview of the platform, its features, and potential applications for teaching.
- Design basics, including best practices for creating effective visual materials, including color theory, typography, and layout.
- Creating visual materials in Adobe Express.
- Integrating Adobe Express for student use.
Seminar Broadcast NotesNot set
Seminar Objectives- To introduce participants to Adobe Express and its features.
- To teach participants how to effectively use Adobe Express to create engaging teaching materials such as posters, presentations, and infographics.
- To provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently introduce Adobe Express to their students, and to guide them through the process of creating engaging and effective visuals.
Work SummaryNot set
Assessment of LearningAt the end of the workshop participants will share their ideas how to integrate Adobe Express. In addition, there will be the feedback survey at the end of the workshop.
Evaluation Summary NotesNot set
Needed ChangesNot set
Next StepsNot set
Online Course TypeNot set
SiteCA BOCES - Learning Resources
LocationTraining Room
Site StatusRegional
Duration6 Hours
Rolling Online CourseNo
Moodle Online CourseNot set
Seminar StatusCancelled
WorkshopCreator Workshop: Learn Adobe Express
Starting Registration8:00 am
Credit Hours5.50
CTLE EligibleYes
Social Worker Continuing EdNo
Course TypeNot set
Online Course InstructionsNot set
Online Course UrlNot set
Online Course Pass CodeNot set
Provider517 - Model Schools
Category517 - Model Schools
Alt Fee Per ParticipantNot set
Public NotesPlease bring a device and charger to the workshop.
Cancelled Date03/20/2025
Added ByLaurie Sledge
Seminar Id9354

CTLE Activities

  • Pedagogy


Districts That Can Send Participants

  • Allegany-Limestone Central School
  • Andover Central School
  • Belfast Central School
  • Bolivar-Richburg Central School
  • Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School
  • Cuba-Rushford Central School
  • Ellicottville Central School
  • Fillmore Central School
  • Franklinville Central School
  • Friendship Central School
  • Genesee Valley Central School
  • Hinsdale Central School
  • Olean City Schools
  • Pioneer Central School
  • Portville Central School
  • Randolph Academy
  • Randolph Central School
  • Salamanca City Schools
  • Scio Central School
  • Wellsville Central School
  • West Valley Central School
  • Whitesville Central School
  • CA-BOCES Admin
  • CA-BOCES Exceptional Education
  • CA Teacher Center

Learning Standards

  • 2 Knowledge of Content and Instruction
  • 3 Instructional Practice
  • 7 Professional Growth