
Displaying 2161-2170 of 2340 results.
Workshop Name: THATcamp
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: THATcamp
Workshop Id: 266
Duration: 7 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Learning Standards
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 7.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The 3 Signature SEL Practices
Workshop Short Desc: This session will provide an overview of the 3 signature practices of SEL and share a comprehensive resource that support participants in incorporating SEL into their classroom, without feeling overwhelmed. Participants will also learn about how each of the three practices are connected to the 5 competencies associated with SEL. Join this session to learn how to practically implement SEL within your classroom by utilizing each of the 3 signature practices, at any grade level!
Workshop Short Name: The 3 Signature SEL Practices
Workshop Id: 1875
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Online Course
Category: 525 - Community Schools
Subcategory: Culture: Social Emotional Learning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 2.50
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 100
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Book Doctor: How to effectively repair books
Workshop Short Desc: A Demco representative will be visiting Erie 1 to demonstrate basic book repair. This workshop is intended for those new to the library profession and who have not yet received training on Demco products. Workshop is limited to TEN newer librarians from CA BOCES.
Workshop Short Name: The Book Doctor: How to effectively repair books
Workshop Id: 2800
Duration: 5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Workshop
Category: 510 - Library Services
Subcategory: Library Services
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 10
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The CTE Experience: Coaching Students As They Decide What's Next
Workshop Short Desc: -Experience first-hand the learning opportunities available to your students at the Belmont CTE Center so that you will be able to better help them make wise decisions about the next steps they need to take toward a career that will be satisfying and well-suited to their abilities and interests
Workshop Short Name: CTE Experience: Coaching Students
Workshop Id: 2104
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: CTE-Professional Development
Subcategory: Professional Development
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 12
Capacity: 42
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The CTE Experience: Integrated STEM in Project Based Learning
Workshop Short Desc: -Experience student driven STEM activities that lead to the application of theoretical concepts using real world technical skills, problem solving skills and communication skills.
Workshop Short Name: CTE Experience: Integrated STEM/Project Based
Workshop Id: 1194
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: CTE-Professional Development
Subcategory: Professional Development
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 12
Capacity: 42
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Future of Regional Scoring
Workshop Short Desc: Meeting to plan for regional scoring in 2016-2017 and beyond.
Workshop Short Name: The Future of Scoring
Workshop Id: 117
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Forum/Meeting
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Leader: School/District Planning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 1.75
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Importance of Vocabulary in Math and Retention of Material Around New Brain
Workshop Short Desc: Paul Riccomini will be doing a session around the importance of vocabulary in math and retention of material around new brain research.
Workshop Short Name: Vocabulary in Math and Retention
Workshop Id: 2637
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.50
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 50
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Instructional Playbook Book Study
Workshop Short Desc: This book study will help instructional coaches create playbooks that produce a common language about high-impact teaching strategies, deepen everyone's understanding of what instructional coaches do, and, most important, support teachers and students in classrooms.
Workshop Short Name: The Instructional Playbook
Workshop Id: 2185
Duration: 1 Hour
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Leader: School/District Planning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 1.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Instructional Playbook CLC
Workshop Short Desc: This book study will help instructional coaches and teachers create playbooks that produce a common language about high-impact teaching strategies, deepen everyone's understanding of what instructional coaches do, and, most important, support teachers and students in classrooms.
Workshop Short Name: The Instructional Playbook CLC
Workshop Id: 2311
Duration: 1 Hour
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Leader: School/District Planning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 1.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 5
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of American's Broken Education- Book Study
Workshop Short Desc: Participants will dive into The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of American's Broken Education-- and How to Fix It by Natalie Wexler. They will look at innovative educators whose students are not only excited to learn but are also acquiring the knowledge that will enable them to succeed.
Workshop Short Name: The Knowledge Gap- Book Study
Workshop Id: 1856
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 1.50
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 50
Participants Must Attend All Days: No