
Displaying 1961-1970 of 2341 results.
Workshop Name: Social Emotional Learning CLC
Workshop Short Desc: This offering is designed to support educators & administrators with the knowledge, skills & resources necessary to assess, plan & implement best practices in Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Participants will meet quarterly to build community, identify priorities, share successful practices & set goals that are critical to the academic, social and emotional development of students.
Workshop Short Name: Social Emotional Learning CLC
Workshop Id: 2745
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 525 - Community Schools
Subcategory: Culture: Social Emotional Learning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.50
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Emotional Learning Strategies to Help Your Students Thrive
Workshop Short Desc: The science of resilience helps explain why some children do well, despite serious adversity. The Community Schools Resilience Series will assist participants in exploring the factors that counteract adversity, including the many protective factors and adaptive skills that are necessary in developing resilience. Join us in learning more about how brain science applies to SEL and specific strategies that can help build resilience in our students.
Workshop Short Name: Social Emotional Learning Strategies to Help Your
Workshop Id: 1746
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 525 - Community Schools
Subcategory: Culture: Other
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 200
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Emotional Learning Summer Series
Workshop Short Desc: Join us for the Summer SEL Series as we dig deeper into the 5 SEL competencies! Participants will hear from various presenters over the course of 4 sessions and learn how SEL can be implemented within their classroom environment(s), how to best assess current practice, receive rich SEL resources and learn about how best practices in SEL implementation are being utilized/implemented within the CA BOCES Region!
Workshop Short Name: Social Emotional Learning Summer Series
Workshop Id: 1742
Duration: 2 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 525 - Community Schools
Subcategory: Culture: Social Emotional Learning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 2.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 250
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies - Constructing Parallel Assessment
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will allow teachers to examine the way in which NYS is assessing social studies at the HS level, and provide opportunities for them to create assessment that parallel those of the NYS Regents.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies - Constructing Parallel Assessment
Workshop Id: 1013
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Data-Driven Instruction
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 90
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies - Development of CRQ Items for Assessment
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the CRQ items used for social studies assessment and will provide a forum for teachers to work together to create items they can use for assessment purposes in their classrooms.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies -Development of CRQ Items for Assessment
Workshop Id: 1012
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 100
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies - Development of Multiple Choice Items for Assessment
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will provide participants with an overview of stimulus based multiple choice questions for social studies and will provide a forum for teachers to work together to create items they can use for assessments purposes in their classrooms.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies - Development of MC Items for Assessment
Workshop Id: 1011
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 75
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies - Resource Collection and Collaboration
Workshop Short Desc: Planning and sharing session for MS/HS Social Studies teachers.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies - Resource Collection and Collaboration
Workshop Id: 774
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies - Writing Strategies for the Enduring Issues Essay
Workshop Short Desc: This day will provide opportunity to explore and learn the various tasks associated with writing the Enduring Issues essay, and will showcase and discuss writing strategies teachers can implement in their classroom to assist students in their essay writing.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies - Writing Strategies for the EI essay
Workshop Id: 952
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies Assessment and Instruction
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will focus on the upcoming changes in the NYS Regents exams and provide teachers with examples of the changing assessments.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies Assessment and Instruction
Workshop Id: 771
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Data-Driven Instruction
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 90
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Social Studies Assessment Development
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop provides participants the opportunity to collaborate in creating an assessment that can be used for an end of year or final exam in HS social studies.
Workshop Short Name: Social Studies Assessment Development
Workshop Id: 1929
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 50
Participants Must Attend All Days: No