
Displaying 571-580 of 2341 results.
Workshop Name: Expand Your Classroom Reality with Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
Workshop Short Desc: Are you curious about using Augmented & Virtual Reality in your classroom? Want to see what they can do to enhance your lesson plans? As these technologies continue to develop, the opportunities to bring these experiences into the classroom (or make your own content) grows exponentially! Come see how to make your lesson more interactive through virtual and augmented reality!
Workshop Short Name: Expand Your Classroom Reality with AR & VR
Workshop Id: 1250
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By: ryan_mcginnis@caboces.org_INACTIVE
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 517 - Model Schools
Subcategory: Curric: Effective Use of Technology
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Id: 256
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 0.5
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Short Desc: EDI is an approach that delivers effective lessons that ALL students can learn and achieve
Workshop Short Name: EDI
Workshop Id: 807
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 5
Capacity: 40
Participants Must Attend All Days: Yes
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Id: 1864
Duration: 6.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction
Workshop Id: 1399
Duration: 6.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.50
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)
Workshop Short Desc: Explicit direct instruction for teachers.
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)
Workshop Id: 44
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction 1.0
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction 1.0
Workshop Id: 1096
Duration: 6.25 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.25
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Direct Instruction 1.0
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Direct Instruction 1.0
Workshop Id: 707
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Explicit Instruction in Vocabulary with Anita Archer
Workshop Short Desc: Dr. Anita Archer will be in our region via Zoom on Monday, August 8, 2022. She will be focusing on Explicit Instruction in Vocabulary with an emphasis on Tier 2 and Tier 3 words across the content areas and throughout the grade levels.
Workshop Short Name: Explicit Instruction in Vocabulary with Anita Archer
Workshop Id: 2169
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.50
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 5
Capacity: 100
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Exploring Features in WorldBook
Workshop Short Desc: The Library 510 Coser provides all CABOCES' districts with access to WorldBook's products. Features include language translations, Google classroom, tools for differentiated learning, learning games for lower elementary grades, and educator tools. This session will include discussions on how to use WorldBook for remote learning even when a device or wi-fi is not available.
Workshop Short Name: Exploring Features in WorldBook
Workshop Id: 1615
Duration: 2 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Forum/Meeting
Category: 510 - Library Services
Subcategory: Curric: Learning Standards
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 2.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No