
Displaying 2341-2341 of 2341 results.
Workshop Name: Zulama Teacher Certification
Workshop Short Desc: Through this training, teachers will be exposed and certified as teachers of Zulama's entertainment technology curriculum, opening new and innovative opportunities to their students in game design, computer programming, and digital art production.
Workshop Short Name: Zulama Teacher Certification
Workshop Id: 85
Duration: 7 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 517 - Model Schools
Subcategory: Curric: Effective Use of Technology
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 7.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 6
Capacity: 24
Participants Must Attend All Days: Yes