
Displaying 2251-2260 of 2340 results.
Workshop Name: Unlocking the Power of Classroom Talk
Workshop Short Desc: Talk is a skill that can be taught, learned, and improved upon. We can become more skilled at talk through instruction, coaching, and deliberate practice. Humans are built to communicate. In almost every discipline or career path our kids will encounter, they will need to effectively communicate with others. Join us to learn about why we should explicitly teach talk and the different types of talk in your classroom.
Workshop Short Name: Unlocking the Power of Classroom Talk
Workshop Id: 1756
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Added By: corey_wilson@caboces.org_INACTIVE
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Forum/Meeting
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Instructional Strategies
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 1.50
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Update and Refresher for Principals - Recent Decisions & Rules
Workshop Short Desc: Update and Refresher for Principals - Recent Decisions & Rules
Workshop Short Name: Update and Refresher for Principals - Recent Decisions
Workshop Id: 2239
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Labor Relations
Subcategory: Labor Relations
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 50
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Update for Principals - Title IX Refresher & Training
Workshop Short Desc: Update for Principals - Title IX Refresher & Training
Workshop Short Name: Update for Principals - Title IX Refresher & Training
Workshop Id: 2240
Duration: 3 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Labor Relations
Subcategory: Labor Relations
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 3.00
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 50
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: UPDATED Child Abuse Identification (CAI) Workshop
Workshop Short Desc: Join us for a mandatory training workshop designed for mandated reporters, including teachers, healthcare professionals, social workers, and childcare providers. This comprehensive session will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and report child abuse and neglect effectively.
Workshop Short Name: UPDATED Child Abuse Identification (CAI) Workshop
Workshop Id: 2812
Duration: 2 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type: Zoom
Purpose: Course
Category: 525 - Community Schools
Subcategory: Culture: Social Emotional Learning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 2.00
Days To Bill: 0.5
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: US History Framework Regents Exam Overview
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will focus on the changes to the NYS US History Regents exam and provide teachers with examples of the changing assessment.
Workshop Short Name: US History Framework Regents Exam Overview
Workshop Id: 1608
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Forum/Meeting
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Data-Driven Instruction
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 35
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: US History Framework Regents Exam Scoring & Training
Workshop Short Desc: This workshop will focus on the upcoming changes to the NYS US History Regents exam and provide teachers with examples of the changing assessment.
Workshop Short Name: US History Framework Regents Exam Training
Workshop Id: 1371
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Forum/Meeting
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Curric: Data-Driven Instruction
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 75
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Using Circles Effectively
Workshop Short Desc:
Workshop Short Name: Using Circles Effectively
Workshop Id: 973
Duration: 6.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: Ex Ed - Internal PD for Exceptional Education
Subcategory: EX ED
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.50
Days To Bill: 0.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Using Gamification to Teach Vocabulary
Workshop Short Desc: Explore ways to engage students in learning vocabulary by gamifying their experience. Participants will explore various technology resources to help gamify the learning experience, specifically in teaching vocabulary. Participants will also learn how to create a high engagement classroom culture utilizing gamification.
Workshop Short Name: Using Gamification to Teach Vocabulary
Workshop Id: 2726
Duration: 5.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 517 - Model Schools
Subcategory: Curric: Effective Use of Technology
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 5.50
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 3
Capacity: 25
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Using Inner Orbit to Guide Science Instruction
Workshop Short Desc: Participants that have used Inner Orbit will learn how to maximize use of the data to guide future instruction.
Workshop Short Name: Using Inner Orbit to Guide Science Instruction
Workshop Id: 2789
Duration: 6 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Workshop
Category: 521 - STEM (Science Kits)
Subcategory: Curric: Learning Standards
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.00
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 30
Participants Must Attend All Days: No
Workshop Name: Using Restorative Justice Principles & Practices in NYS
Workshop Short Desc: You are invited to attend Using Restorative Justice Principles and Practices to Support a Culture of Care in New York State Schools 2.0. The training will be facilitated by Lori DeCarlo, Superintendent at Randolph Academy, and Jillian Putnam, Professional Development Coordinator at CA BOCES. Participants attending this 2.0 training must have completed the 4-day train-the-trainer session in July 2018 with Dr. Tom Cavanagh from Colorado State University.
Workshop Short Name: Using Restorative Justice Principles & Practices
Workshop Id: 950
Duration: 6.5 Hours
Added By:
Online Course Type:
Purpose: Course
Category: 529 - Professional Development
Subcategory: Culture: Social-Emotional Learning
Level: SED CODES 1,2,3,4
External Workshop Brochure:  
Total Workshop Days: 1.0
Credit Hours: 6.50
Days To Bill: 1.0
Min Enrollment: 1
Capacity: 46
Participants Must Attend All Days: No