View Seminar: On Demand: Olweus Bully Prevention

Seminar NameOn Demand: Olweus Bully Prevention
Seminar BrochureNot set
External Seminar BrochureNot set
Seminar Full DescNot set
Seminar Date06/26/2023
Opening Time9:00 am
Closing Time3:00 pm
Last Day To Register06/23/2023      [ Note: After this date, participation changes can be requested by e-mailing Laurie Sledge ]
Twin SeminarNot set
Seminar AudienceNot set
Seminar PrerequisitesNot set
Seminar Topics, Concepts & Resources-Olweus Bully Prevention Training
Seminar Broadcast NotesNot set
Seminar Objectives-Train the Olweus Bully Prevention Coordinating Committee on the definition of Bullying, responsibilities of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program, Olweus resources, training needed to assist with program implementation in 5th-8th grades
Work Summary-Participants received an introduction to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program including definitions and terminology, why address bullying, participated in a Olweus Bullying Prevention Circle, risk and protective factors, intervention and prevention strategies
-Participants completed the introduction to Olweus, Schoolwide Components and Classroom Components
Assessment of Learning-Participants actively engaged by participating in Olweus activities (Bullying Circle Exercise), asking questions, and completing a reflection activity at the end of the workshop
-Participants worked in small groups to review Olweus Based Questionnaire data and plan for implementation in 5th-8th grade
-Participants completed a quiz "how much Do You Know About Bullying" Participants utilized Olweus Based Questionnaire results to compare quiz answers specifically to the data at CLV.
Evaluation Summary Notes-Learned time invested is worth it in the long run
-A very informative day
-The value of implementing the Olweus Plan with fidelity
-The language to use vs labeling
-Very excited about the program and the success we can look forward to seeing here at CLV
-New language peer abuse nervousness of school fear
-One of my favorite prof development books is Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zarietta Hammond. It sounds like a lot of why Olweus works is because of the neuroscience behind rapport and trust
-The hot spots of where the bullying occurs
-Excited to develop a plan
Needed Changes-Our specific data in day 2 training
-Fully get commitment from all staff
-Tools, resources to help teachers and students (scripts, role playing)
-Secure teacher buy in
-Help students when bullying occurs
-A plan schoolwide
-Integrate this and SEL into morning announcements
Next Steps-I am excited to plan
-Educating staff
-What do we do to get students to make the shift
Online Course TypeNot set
SiteCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School District
LocationCattaraugus-Little Valley Central School
Site StatusOn Demand
Duration6 Hours
Rolling Online CourseNo
Moodle Online CourseNot set
Seminar StatusHeld
WorkshopOn Demand: Olweus Bully Prevention
Starting Registration8:30 am
Credit Hours5.50
CTLE EligibleYes
Social Worker Continuing EdNo
Course TypeNot set
Online Course InstructionsNot set
Online Course UrlNot set
Online Course Pass CodeNot set
Provider529 - Professional Development
Category529 - Professional Development
Alt Fee Per ParticipantNot set
Public NotesNot set
Cancelled DateNot set
Added ByLaurie Sledge
Seminar Id8522

CTLE Activities

  • Pedagogy


Districts That Can Send Participants

  • Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central School

Districts That Are Paying For Facilitators

  • 8522-8

Learning Standards

  • 4 Learning Environment
  • 7 Professional Growth