View Seminar: On Demand: Library Systems Training

Seminar NameOn Demand: Library Systems Training
Seminar BrochureNot set
External Seminar BrochureNot set
Seminar Full DescNot set
Seminar Date09/19/2022
Opening Time7:45 am
Closing Time3:45 pm
Last Day To Register09/16/2022      [ Note: After this date, participation changes can be requested by e-mailing Laurie Sledge ]
Twin SeminarNot set
Seminar AudienceNot set
Seminar PrerequisitesNot set
Seminar Topics, Concepts & Resources-Introduction to Instructional Support Services
-Introduction to Learning Resources
-Introduction and review of school library system
-Understanding of programs
-Understanding of the school library system
Seminar Broadcast NotesNot set
Seminar ObjectivesAs a result of today's visit, Mary will:
Observe and participate in the weeding process of the elementary library's K-5 fiction.
Work Summary-As I went through the fiction collection, I recommended books be pulled (weeded) from the collection based on the following criteria:
Worn and in need of replacement
Work and outdated (pictures of landline telephones, video camcorders, large desktop computers, dated fashion, and hairstyles, etc.)
Work and low literary value (cheap picture books in paperback based movies; pictures in the books are images directly from the movie).
Language that would be considered vulgar by today's standards.
Chemical odors common to old books that have not been opened in a long time. This odor is what contributes to the "smell" of libraries...
Assessment of Learning-When choosing a book for discard, I would ask Mary for her opinion on why.
Evaluation Summary Notes-Today provided me the opportunity to model for Mary the decision-making process when determining whether to pull a book from the collection or allow it to remain. We conversed about condition and content of books. The fiction offers Belfast students with a nice balance of realistic fiction, mystery, science fiction, humor, and life lessons.
Needed ChangesNothing
Next Steps-The jacket covers for twenty picture books were pulled for recovering. The high school library aide offered to take on this project.
-Reviewing the non-fiction section of the elementary library.
Online Course TypeNot set
SiteBelfast Central School Disrict
LocationBelfast Central School
Site StatusOn Demand
Duration8 Hours
Rolling Online CourseNo
Moodle Online CourseNot set
Seminar StatusHeld
WorkshopOn Demand: Library Systems Training
Starting Registration7:15 am
Credit Hours7.50
CTLE EligibleYes
Social Worker Continuing EdNo
Course TypeNot set
Online Course InstructionsNot set
Online Course UrlNot set
Online Course Pass CodeNot set
Provider529 - Professional Development
Category510 - Library Services
Alt Fee Per ParticipantNot set
Public NotesNot set
Cancelled DateNot set
Added ByKimberly Hoch
Seminar Id7868

CTLE Activities

  • Pedagogy


Districts That Can Send Participants

  • Belfast Central School

Districts That Are Paying For Facilitators

  • 7868-5

Learning Standards

  • 2 Knowledge of Content and Instruction
  • 3 Instructional Practice
  • 4 Learning Environment
  • 7 Professional Growth