View Seminar: On Demand: Technology Training Day 2 (various)

Seminar NameOn Demand: Technology Training Day 2 (various)
Seminar BrochureNot set
External Seminar BrochureNot set
Seminar Short DescOn demand technology training and support in school districts.
Seminar Full DescNot set
Seminar Date08/21/2024
Opening Time8:30 am
Closing Time3:00 pm
Last Day To Register08/20/2024      [ Note: After this date, participation changes can be requested by e-mailing Laurie Sledge ]
Twin SeminarNot set
Seminar AudienceNot set
Seminar PrerequisitesNot set
Seminar Topics, Concepts & ResourcesNot set
Seminar Broadcast NotesNot set
Seminar Objectives1-Nearpod: Participants will be able to create their own Nearpod lesson and understand how to view the reports
2-Canva: Participants will learn the basic features of Canva and create a document for their classrooms
Work Summary1-Nearpod: Participants participated in a Live Nearpod and created their own.
2-Canva: Participants created a poster, presentation, etc. for the classrooms.
Assessment of LearningCompleted projects demonstrated that participants were successful with learning the various platforms.
Feedback also demonstrated that participants were able to learn
Evaluation Summary NotesParticipants enjoyed learning Nearpod and Canva. They said both platforms will be engaging to their students.
Needed ChangesParticipants would like more time to explore the platforms
Next StepsI will follow up with the participants to see if they have any questions or need more support
Online Course TypeNot set
SiteCuba-Rushford Central School District
LocationCuba-Rushford Middle-High School
Site StatusOn Demand
Duration6.5 Hours
Rolling Online CourseNo
Moodle Online CourseNot set
Seminar StatusHeld
WorkshopOn Demand: Technology Training
Starting Registration8:00 am
Credit Hours6.50
CTLE EligibleYes
Social Worker Continuing EdNo
Course TypeNot set
Online Course InstructionsNot set
Online Course UrlNot set
Online Course Pass CodeNot set
Provider517 - Model Schools
Category517 - Model Schools
Alt Fee Per ParticipantNot set
Public NotesNot set
Cancelled DateNot set
Added ByCheri George
Seminar Id10008

CTLE Activities

  • Content
  • Pedagogy


Districts That Can Send Participants

  • Cuba-Rushford Central School

Districts That Are Paying For Participants

  • 10008-9

Districts That Are Paying For Facilitators

  • 10008-9

Learning Standards

  • 3 Instructional Practice